Did FP at Oakland today


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Today was my (and my wife\'s) scheduled FP at Okaland. It was at
12 noon, but we went around 10:47 AM, and parked at the hourly parking lot
on 18th street. The ASC was EXTERMELY crowded. The doorman gave us numbers 122 and 123.
We filled the worksheets, and after about 45 minutes our numbers were called. The lady
checked the worksheets and asked us to wait again. They were moving people in batches to the 2nd floor
where 4 technicians were doing the FP. After a very long time, we were asked to go to 2nd floor.
About 20 minutes later, our numbers were called.
The man asked to see my FP notice and ID. I showed him the driving license, and then he asked for the EAD.
I gave him my EAD. Then he took impressions of my left 4 fingers together, followed by right 4 fingers.
After that, he started scanning my fingers one by one. I got lots of "ridge break"s for all of the fingers,
and he kept on retrying them until they passed. For some cases, he ignored the ridge breaks. I asked him
about that, and he said that it is okay if the breaks are on the side. He also moistened my finger with some gels.
I now hope I do not get a redo on the FP.

My wife\'s FP went through quickly. There were some ridge breaks but they all passed on retry. There was no
need to moisten any finger.

We completed it all around 2:15, very hungry.
One question

Do they care about EAD card before FP/ Because if someone has not got it yet then what.
Second, what\'s address of Oakland office. Want to know if can be reached by BART.
EAD no criteria

EAD is not required for FP. These days EADs are getting delayed. FP is coming before EAD. Maybe people will 485 approved but EADs will still be pending.
Interesting - it seems that sometimes there can be lot of wait time for scheduled FP also -..

but based on experience of other guys if you go before scheduled date, then you may not have to wait at all (like I did FP in SJ on a Saturday afternoon and ther was absolutely no wait).

But if someone is unlucky/commits mistake of going ahead of schedule when there is so much crowd, I\'m sure ASC would not do FP ahead of schedule at that time.
No Title

There is a BART station very close to the Oakland ASC. You can
check Ciba\'s website, personal experience section. There are a
few people who took BART. I drove because it was faster (and cheaper).

I do not think EAD was necessary. I think they just verified the
A#. If you do not have it, it should be okay. My FP notice did not
ask me to bring my EAD.

Doing FP ahead of schedule at Oakland may not be a good idea. It seems
really crowded.