Did anyone try to write to Mr. president?


Registered Users (C)
From this forum, I see some people write to First Lady, vice president, some got positive results. I'm going to do the same. I'm just wondering if anyone ever tried to write to Mr. president?

thanks a lot.
Only if you are an Illegal

If you are an illegal immigrant, the President has lots of compassion for you and wants to give you an instant GC. But, the rest of us, who are trying to do things the legal way, got to wait in line, sorry. Want to know how I know this? Because I HAVE TRIED and didn't even get a "Thank you for contacting us" letter.

I guess this country just can't get enough these poor, uneducated peasants to clean our toilets and pick our strawberries. The irony is, we try to immigrate here so we can improve our lives and get away from a 3rd world country, but after all these efforts, we may STILL wind up being in a 3rd world country afterall. Isn't that the ultimate joke on us? Perhaps taking a swim in the Rio Grande isn't such a bad idea, don't you think?
Yes Ask Antonioa..... he contacted the president...

But as he will tell you President and the Vice President may have secondary importance because they contact the USCIS not the FBI where lies the root of the problem!

But still send a message to him, he will get back quickly.
If you are an illegal immigrant, the President has lots of compassion for you and wants to give you an instant GC. But, the rest of us, who are trying to do things the legal way, got to wait in line, sorry. Want to know how I know this? Because I HAVE TRIED and didn't even get a "Thank you for contacting us" letter.

I guess this country just can't get enough these poor, uneducated peasants to clean our toilets and pick our strawberries. The irony is, we try to immigrate here so we can improve our lives and get away from a 3rd world country, but after all these efforts, we may STILL wind up being in a 3rd world country afterall. Isn't that the ultimate joke on us? Perhaps taking a swim in the Rio Grande isn't such a bad idea, don't you think?

hahahha thats true i completely agree with you