Did Anyone receieve letter from NEWARK for PP Stamping ? May-15th Victim

And we will be punished by them, you want this ? Because nobody control them

And we will be punished by them, you want this ? Because nobody control them
went to NY INS office once again for pp stamping .Following info

I went down again to INS office.Stood in line. They are not stamping for new people too!. Went for information in the info centre.got token.
wrote in an application for enquiry.On finally reaching the line , got the same person who had earlier taken my finger print ,letter,photos .
I told her this stamping business is not consistent.They still do not know that it is being stamped all over the country other than some specific state. She :-"Mam , Have got orders from Washington"
Me:-"Hey , it is not consistent".
She looking at another person in uniform
She:- she says they are stamping elsewhere.
he:-The current order from washington is no stamping. Will stamp on further notice.
She:- he is my supervisor. If he says no stamping. No stamping.
Me:- How do I track .What should I do next
She:-Wait for the letter. We will send you a letter.
She did not take the enquiry application form I had written.
Went down to the line where the passport stamping takes place.
At the counter.
Me:-What should I do for emergencies to get out of the country.
She:-If you get a death certificate and have to go to the country where you belong , you will get the stamp.They have got new computers ,12 of them. So will take time to train and process.

I thought it is better to wait for the so called letter that will come in post for people who have been rejected
and for new people in NY , I think it is better to wait till they start stamping like in Newark . But go if time is about to expire.
I went Newark on May 23rd, Returned without Stamping

I went to Newark yesterday, they said that I have to wait till I hear from them. They are stamping for the New cases. It looks like we have to wait for a while.
Can we talk to the Senator

Hey it is unfair that new people are getting stamped
and the ones who went there on 15th are not. Can we
talk to the senator or to the press regarding this.
This shows why all criticize INS. They do not know
what they are doing.
Very funny when I asked them what is my status during this waiting time period, She said "I do

How do we talk to the senator ? maybe we should conduct a dharna infront of newark INS :)

vasumeda: what\'s your approval date

You mentioned that they\'re stamping new cases, do you know after which date means new? And if you noticed that they were not stamping pp, can you walk away and go to another center like searching_help did (see searching_help "No Stamping in HARTFORD....but stamping in ALBANY" 5/24/02 3:13pm) ?

vasumeda: please reply

Was it your first time to go to Newark for stamping on 5/23 or you had gone there earlier? I\'m confused about your post in this thread. Looks like you had gone there once before since you said "They are stamping new cases". I just want some clarification whether Newark is consistently stamping cases or sporadically does some delay. Thanks.