Did anyone go to INS BOSTON for stamping with courtesy copy?


Registered Users (C)
My AD is 01/28/02 and I recd courtesy copy to day.

Can I go with this copy for passport stamping?

Any experienced guys suggestion is appreciated.


I just stamped yesterday in Boston. I gave the original copy given by my Lawyer. I don\'t know whether they accept curtosy copy or not. They may or may not. Stamping is easy. You take your Passport, 2 photos and copy of the approval and form I-89,EAD and A.Parol if you have. You can get the form I-89 from the front desk. They will ask you to sign and take your finger print. You don\'t have to write anything in the form I-89. Thats all. Good luck
Courtesy copy is good... and...

I went to INS Boston office today wth courtesy copy. I reached at 7.30am; took the token number and took photoes there it self (one of the room in INS Boston has a poloroid studio - $10 for two photos); and then our turn came at 8.40am.

What all we gave to IIO is - courtesy copy; APs; I-94; Photos; EAD; APs and passports for stamping. We are out of INS office by 8.45am!

Hope this helps some you guys going soon...


and best wishes to you all.