Did anyone get second FP notce? HELP!!!


New Member
I am in NSC and my Notice date for I-485 is 05/2001.

I got FP notice scheduling FP time as 07/2001 and I made it. End of Oct I got another FP notice asking me to do FP on 11/27/2001.

I checked my local INS ASC officer. He told me my FP is clear and non-ident, and there is no need for reprint. I don\'t know what to do.

There is news from www.immigration-law.com->BREAKING NEWS telling NSC has resent FP notice for FP which has been sent out during 05/2001~09/2001. It exactly matches my case.

No Title

Hi, you are okay. I received a notice for my FP too, inspite of doing my FP on 7/2001. Infact I have exactly the same case as you are and I spoke to my attorney\'s. My attorney has asked to go ahead and do it even though I had them done earlier. It does not hurt you in any way. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

- Pape.
Another Question

Thanks for your reply!

But have you done your second FP? I tried my local INS ASC and he told me no need to do again. And I guess he won\'t allow me to do it even I insisted on reprinting. So you did your second FP already and the officer didn\'t prevent you from doing it? How did you make it.

BTW: The following is what I got from www.immigration-law.com->BREAKING NEWS. It exactly matches our cases. GOOD LUCK!!!

informed sources indicate that EB-485 and their family members I-485 applicants whose cases are pending with the NSC and whose applications were filed in May through Sept. 2001 are reportedly receiving a duplicate fingerpint notice. This is reportedly a software system screw-up. INS in Wash. DC has implemented a new system for the Service Centers to use in issuing fingerprint notices, but the notices now being generated by the system overlap with notices that the NSC sent out over the course of late spring and the summer.
Those whose prints clear ed the first time around may check with the ASC to make sure that the initial set of prints cleared. To date this only appears to be an issue with I-485 cases filed with Nebraska over the summer. The Service Center has been alerted to and is aware of the problem. In fact, at the NSC Conference for the AILA attorneys on October 17, 2001, NSC brought up this problem.
Please stay tuned to this website for the development of this issue.
No Title

Hi Li,

I haven\'t done my FP again as it is not due until the end of this month. Infact, my FP date is the same as yours. Thanks for the information that you had just posted. Let me check with my attorney\'s once again and if I hear anything different, I will keep you posted. Thanks once again and good luck.

understanding the issue

I got the same issue. Me and my wife did FP on 07/17/01 and we received the second FP notice on October 3rd which scheduled us on 10/31/01. I checked with the IIO in NSC and she said both of ours FP are OK and cleared by FBI. She said she didn\'t know why this happened and she didn\'t think we need to go again. So I didn\'t go.

The thing is if you take a look at the breaking news posted above, you know it is NSC\'s notice sending system which messed up. Not the FP storage system. So if your FP is up there and OK, your FP is up there and OK. No worry about that.

BTW, on the notice, there should be a remark like "Disregard this notice if you have been finger printed within last 90 days...". If your second FP notice\'s issuing date falls into the this period (which is like my case), for sure you don\'t have to go. Actually before I called NSC, I called the Customer Service at 1-800 number. Of course they couldn\'t tell me anything about case. However they said per this little remark, I don\'t have to go.

What confuse me though, is when I received my first FP and after I did my FP, the case status from their automated system didn\'t change at all. But since they sent out the second notice, my status has been changed to "Your finger print notice has been sent out on...". I don\'t when this message will be changed again. Also, the second FP notice looks more formal than the first one. And this confuses me too.
Keep in touch

Pape, please do let me know what\'s you lawyer\'s suggestion. BTW: the following is what\'s my lawyer\'s suggestions. In reverse time order. Hope it helps. Keep in touch please

1) "It appears to cover your situation. If you have already cleared this issue
with the INS Cincinnati office, and they have assured you that you do not
have to come back in and provide fingerprints, then you should be able to
rely on that."

2) "I got your fax. If the INS local office said you do not need to come back
in and confirmed that your prior fingerprints will suffice, then you should
be able to take them at your word. You should document the time and date
spoke to the INS officer, and if possible the officer\'s name, too, just for
your records in case there is ever a discrepancy."

3) "Best bet would be to go ahead and provide fingerprints. If you do not
respond to their request, it could hold up your applications."
My case is over 90 days.


My first FP date is same as yours 07/17/2001.What I am worried about most is that INS sent the 2nd FP notice on 10/24/2001 which is over 90 days of my 1st FP.

And my status on AVM is the same as yours. Before or After first FP, nothing new. And it\'s updated as "Sending FP notice on 10/24/2001..." for second FP. And the 1st FP is a normal letter and the 2nd one is in formal INS notice format. I guess that\'s because they are using the new machine processing FP notice.

Any suggestion about my over 90 days\' worry? THANKS
I have done it

Just go local office and do it again, nothing wrong. My lawyer told me just do whatever INS told you to do. There maybe a mistake, but if you read carefully, they said if your FP is in 3 month, igore it otherwise ...

So you just go local office and hand in the letter, they will say nothing

Good luck
Try my luck

lcurgent, I would like to follow you. But I am worried that the local office won\'t allow to do that. When I got the second FP Notice, I went to INS ASC. The local officer checked my case and told me I was cleared and no need for a reprint. I broght to his attention that I was cleared on 07/20/2001 and INS sent out notice on 10/24/2001. It\'s already over 3 months. But he insisted that I don\'t need to do reprint.

My second FP is 11/27/2001. Hopefully he won\'t remember me. But unfortunately he wrote something in my notice saying "not necessary to reprint. cleared on 07/20/01,etc". So I am not sure if everything would be fine on that day.

BTW: You guys didn\'t check with INS ASC after getting the 2nd notice? Any suggestions?

try it again

I called 110 twice about the second FP. One told me I should go since my FP is over 3 month, and the other told me it is not necessary. I went local INS office in IN, I did it again.
Good luck
Guys!! I am also in the same shoes...

applied for I485 at NSC on May 16th 2001. FP done on August 1stt 2001. First week of october there was another notice from INS. COntacted my Lawyer and she said ignore it. Second FP appointment was 5th Nov 2001. I have ignored it..

But there was another thing that I noticed on second FP. It is regarding Priority Date. My actual Priority Date is 08/01/2000. But the second FP notice has a priority date of 04/16/2001. Could anyone comment on this ? Especially guys who got second FP notice. Did you guys notice anything liky that..

Any information provided is grately appreciated..

Just as an FYI my email id is boy_ohio@yahoo.com
Where is first F.P. Man?

I will be lucky if get first F.P. Notice.
R.d. Feb 2001.
I F.P. wating.
II F.P. waiting.
Bcz it is NSC...III F.P. waiting
NSC System is screwed up..

uspresident NSC FP Process is totally screwed up..
I hope it will change in next couple of months..