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did anyone get his interview date in Nov. ???


Registered Users (C)
i was asking about people who gonna have interviews in november

did anyone know his interview date in november ?>?!??!?!?

in november not october

plz infom me
No i didn't

No i didn't call Kcc but you can still call. I know the process run like this for the cut-off
hi medcoco

1st where are you from
and what is you case number

if your case number is current in nov, your 2nd lettre will come begining oct

good luck

i know that ,,,but iam asking when can i call them to know my interview date

iam from egypt & my case number 2007af51**
look medcoco

your case is schudled in novmber.

you will recieve you 2nd letter in october

dont worry , if you want to know exactly you interveiw date , you can send to kcc an emmail , they will give this information.

good luck