Did Anyone faced/came across this problem


Registered Users (C)

My RD is 10/26/01, EB2-RIR.

My problem is that lawyer thru which the case was filed is closing down. What would happen if an RFE was generated and reached lawyers who no longer are in practise and in the same address? How do I change my lawyers details at this juncture?

Do anyone know or have faced this kind of situation? What are the options in this situation?

Any help would be appreciated.


i am not a lawyer and i have not seen such a case.

i am assuming that you hired your own lawyer and your lawyer works for a firm. if that is the case you should talk to the lawyer and their admin/mgmt or who ever is accountable. they must have other cases pending and they have to transfer their cases to another firm. they cannot leave their cases dangling...

you need to talk to them, they are answerable to you in this case. you can also try calling the bar association of your state and ask them what laws protect you and what can you do.
filed by the company

No there was no lawyer involved as such. Was done by the company's immigration department and the company is closing down. Immigration department is completely fired and so are the other employees.
I believe

There is a change of lawyer form that needs to be filled out and sent to the INS.

But , if your company's Imigration department itself has closed down, somebody in HR should probably start taking care of your stuff. Like Bobby V said , they can't leave it dangling.

Try to get all your paperwork copies in hand from the lawyers office.

What you can do is send out a new G-28 form to INS. You may choose to represent yourself or you can hire a new attorney and put his/her name on the form. In the former, only you have to sign the form and in the latter case both of you have to sign the form.

Do not tell the INS right now, that the company is closing down. try to find a job in same or similar capacity first.

After you get the new attorney(or urself as the representative), keep on calling the INS every month to see if they have received the G-28 from and if they have updated their records.

Hire another

Its best to hire another lawyer on your own. The new lawyer would take care of evertyhing starting from getting the file from your old lawyer and informing about the change in representation. If you don't want to hire a lawyer then I think there is way or form to inform INS that your lawyer is not representing you any more. Once you do that INS sends all the communication to you directly. I believe it is one of the forms you include when file 485. Good luck.
In my case, I had to change employers. My old company had its own immigration department who had given the G-28 form.

I asked the immigration dept of my new employer and according to them
"Only need a G-28 if a new attorney is substituting in for you. If you are going to represent yourself in a sense, no G-28 needed."

They wanted me to sign this letter and send it to them which they were going to send to INS with AC21 stuff.

Immigration & Naturalization Service
Vermont Service Center

I would like to inform you that XXXXXXXXX is no longer my official representative. I hereby request that you send all correspondence regarding my case to me directly at the following address:



But it is best to hire a new attorney and let them take responsibility as the other gentleman has advised
Re: udp, Sankarnp..

Hi asdasd,

Is BRI, Baton Rouge Inc., the company owned by CMC Ltd.? Just curious to know


Originally posted by asdasd
Did U work or are working for BRI?????