Did any one recieved a "welcome letter" from INS after the passport stamping ?


Registered Users (C)
It says some thg about welcome to USA as a permanent resident and says my card have been ordered and i should get it in 3 weeks (i got the stampg done on 10th march 2003), if i don't get the card they have given bunch of phone #'s to contact them for the card not recieved.. Is it normal to get letter like this because my husband didn't get one when he got his stampg done last year. it took 8 months to get his card..

views please

Did you get your approval or are you local INS transfer case

Can you tell me are you local INS transfer case or did you get approval and you did normal stamping at INS.

Other than local INS case no one gets it so fast.
yes i was local INS trasfer

after the !st letter i got 2 more letters of welcome. What is all about i have no idea? I will post as soon as i will get my plastic card



to see about my whole Ins local transfer case look for my postgs in detriot trasfer case link
I received a welcome letter on froday and it did mention that you would receive a card within 3 weeks.

my passport was stamped after interview on 11th March at Detroit too.
I got 5 letters of welcome notice

Hi ,

I got 3 letters of welcome notice on last wednesday and 2 more on last saturday.

Ours was local Detroit INS Transferred case .We got stapmed on march 16th.

Usually in 3 weeks time we get our plastic card ... that is what my attorney says...

Attorney 2 cents : pLASTIC CARD ---> local transfer cases get SOONER than NSC ---

