Detroit N400 application


Registered Users (C)
I get eligible to apply for N400 this month. My spouse and I are non US citizens and our kid is a US citizan.
i am the working member in my family.

a. Do I have to submit 2 N400 applications (one for me and one for my spouse) or just one application will cover both of us.?

b. Can you change jobs after filing for N400 (in the same state)?

c. Can you change jobs out of state after filing for N400? If I cannot, how long should I wait before I can change job out of state (after FP/ after interview/ after oath)?

d. Can I travel out of country (Mexico/ Canada) after I file for N400?

Thanks for all your help
a: 2 applications
c. yes, but it can bring district residency into question if you permanently move out of state for job during N-400 process.
d. yes, as long as it doesn't break continuous residency