DESPERATE-Please help- need info re: Visa Waiver


New Member
I hope that someone out there can answer this question for me:

My fiancee is in the US on a visa waiver, which expires on June 1st. He is an English citizen, and we plan on getting married this summer. We cannot get married sooner because I am having difficulty in finding my "ex" husband so that I can get my divorce finalized. It has been a total nightmare!

My question is this: If he were to travel to Canada from the US using his passport, would his departure and reentry into the US "reset" his visa waiver, allowing him to stay an additional 3 months? We are only going to be in Canada for a week or less.

Please, can anyone answer this for me?

Thanks so much!
Your ex doesn’t want to be found? Just divorce him and you’ll have less worry.

I cannot answer your question, but I have a question of my own.
Do you know you can get a divorce even without your ex-husband’s presents, or awareness?
Even if you have children together you can still get him officially out of your life for good without him officially signing those papers.
It is called “served by publication”, cost around $300 + courts fees, takes about 3 to 6 months ( time for him to read the ads and respond), if he doesn’t respond in the stated timeframe – you will go to the court and get your divorce by default. All you have to prove to the judge - you don’t know your ex’s whereabouts and you tried to find him, but unsuccessfully.
The downside of this process is that you won’t get any alimony, or the child support this way, but it works perfectly smooth if all you want is the “unite the knot”
Good luck!
Thanks so much, Peach! That is what I am trying to do, but I have a really inept attorney who keeps stringing me along. Everytime I speak to him he says it's going to take another month... and this has been going on for 6 months. My fiancee has had to leave the US twice now because of this, and no matter what, it appears he will have to leave a third time.

I hope someone can please answer this question. ANYONE????
I'm not sure if you are aware that it is illegal to enter on a visa waiver with the intention of getting married and adjusting status. If it is your intention for him to be in the US while adjusting status look into K1 or K3, that's what they are for. I'm not sure about the "resetting" of his time . Sorry I don't have an answer to your question.
Of course, I don't consider that having my fiancee in the US with the intention of marrying him to be such a crime. Isn't that what a good part of people have to do?

Last I checked, you cannot apply for a fiancee visa when you are still technically married. Am I wrong on this?

Please, I am not looking for moral advice. I just need to know what happens when you leave the US for Canada, and then come back.

Thank you.