Desparately need help


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Have cut one of my fingers yesterday and have FP scheduled on 21st coming wednesday. Cut is about 1/8th of an inch. Please advice me if this will cause any probelm ? Will the technicians not take my FP or even if they do does this increase my chance of getting RFE. Will it affect my spouse\'s case ?

Any input will be highly appreciated.
No Title

They inspect your fingers and if the cut is too big they
won\'t let you give FP.

I suggest you just go down and try. At the worst they
will just tell you to come back. Make sure you get
something in writting that you can come back at
a later date or at least get the name of the manager
who can authorize the guard to let you in.
No Title

this appears a small cut.
 should go away considerably by wed good enough for doing FP unless it is very deep cut
Where exactly is the cut?

If the cut is on the top of your fingertips or to the sides, you should be okay. They say that ridge breaks at the top are not all that bad. But, if your cut is in the middle of your fingertip to first joint, lets hope it clears up by Wednesday. Take care of it. If the cut is below the first joint then also it seems to be not too bad. When I got FP\'ed there was a small spot on the top left hand corner of my right thumb which had lost some skin due to dryness. The fingerprints were visible but not well formed. I had some trouble with that finger but after a few tries the machine signalled "pass". I am waiting with bated breath to find out whether my FP quality was good. By the way, AVM says "FP collected on Nov 16, 2001" for my case and my wife\'s. Watch the bottom of the screen for each Fingerprint. If it processes your print and signals "pass" you should be fine. If not, the technician usually tries repeatedly for a good print. If they don\'t, be on top of things and ask them to try again. Whatever you do, don\'t wield a knife until after your FP. Eat out for a few days. Just my suggestion. Wish you luck for Wednesday.
don\'t worry about the cut

I say that with experience. My wife cut her fingers twice; the first time before the first FP and then again just before the FP redo.

The first time, we did go to get the finger prints done. The guy at the ASC did not notice that there was a cut and so, we did the finger prints anyway. FBI rejected the prints as unclassifiable.

We got a FP redo notice a month later and as I say, my wife cut her finger again. This time, we told the guy at Oakland ASC about the cut and he wrote down on the FP notice that we should come back when the finger healed. He also put a date and initialed the paper. Then you wait till you are confident about the finger and go back for FP. We waited three weeks for the finger to heal.

Good lcuk...
thanks all for your advice

Actually cut is on the top rt corner. but still in the center part. Not too big. Visually looks like a small red spot. Hopefully the computer will accept.
 This should not happen to anyone else. Please anyone schedules for FP follow these instructions I neglected hopefully no one else will

-> Use oven mits to deal with hot stuff to avoid burning
-> Wear gloves while dealing with washing, household work
-> wear surgeon\'s gloves while cooking
-> Do not handle tinned, canned stuff at all or handle with extreme caution
-> try to avoid any work harmful to your hands

As for me, am ordered by my spouse NOT TO DO ANY WORK!

You should be okay, oh by the way...

Can you talk to my spouse about me not doing any work at home till my GC is approved? I catch hell from her if I slip up. :)
Done FP as scheduled at San Jose

Was very tensed because of a small cut on one of my fingers. But to my surprise all the prints were taken in a "single take". The supervisor said Ok too !!! I did notice that the computer said "pass" each time...
 is there a reason for me to be happy. From sinonyx\'s word "The first time, we did go to get the finger prints done. The guy at the ASC did not notice that there was a cut and so, we did the finger prints anyway. FBI rejected the prints as unclassifiable. " can same thing happen to be .. I guess I\'ll just have to wait.....

better to still take care of my fingers. Will keep u posted ..