Derivative Asylee goes back to home country

Lazerthegreat said:
opinion! how come you were granted asylum and applied for GC the same year. There is a requirement of 1 year wait time?
Sorry, my bad :eek: , I'll fix that. Thank YOU for bring that to my attention Lazerthegreat! :)
opinion, when did you receive your I-485 notice? I mean how long. I haven't received anything yet and 3 weeks already passed.
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wy007 said:
opinion, when did you receive your I-485 notice? I mean how long. I haven't received anything yet and 3 weeks already passed.
My one year was due on May 17, 2005, I've filed my I-485 on May 20,2005 to Nebraska Service Center and recieved notice on May 25,2005.
Help me!!!

Please anybody - help me!!!

If I was illegally in US for 8 months before applying for asylum can I go outside US using Advane Parole before interview??? Any possibility to get back??? I need to go to Mexico for 1 week.
Al_world said:
Please anybody - help me!!!

If I was illegally in US for 8 months before applying for asylum can I go outside US using Advane Parole before interview??? Any possibility to get back??? I need to go to Mexico for 1 week.
Complicated :( Bring your issue as a separate thread to the forum, so everybody could see it!
For your information:

I just got back from my Home Country (by birth, not citizenship).
POE officer at JFK looked at my RT passport and asked what was a purpose of my travel. I answered. Then he noticed that a country code on the first page of my RTD matches my tourist visa asked with dazzled look on his face: “y o u a r e a n a s s y l e e?”
I said: “yes”
“ ….and you went back on a vacation to your home country ???” I said: “ I was born there, but I am a citizen of XX country” He nodded and typed something in the computer. Then he looked at my children’s passports, stamped them, returned to me and asked again: “so, you are an assylee?”. “Yes, sir, am I an assylee, a derivative assylee.”
“ Is it your first time traveling with RTD?” I said it was my second.
More typing, then he asked once again what country citizen am I, I repeated my answer. Then he asked me to follow him (to the other room) and take a seat. I waited there for about 30 minutes. Without any more questions my RTD was stamped and the new I-94 attached.
Just in case I had a copy of my old expired national passport (proof of the citizenship) and approved I-730 notice (proof of derivative status), but nobody asked.