departing US before decision on B-2 extension


Registered Users (C)
I have applied for an extension of stay on my B-2 visa. However, I now need to leave the US due to a family emergency at home. I have not heard back from the CIS on any decision for my extension. My questions are :

1. Can I leave the US without jeopardizing my B-2 visa. I have a 10-yr visa and would like to re-use it for my next trip here?

2. I submitted my original I-94 to CIS as requested in the application. I only have a photocopy of the I-94. Will this cause issues when I return to the US for my next visit?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

I was in the same sitution a several years ago.

Write USCIS a letter with explanation of your situation. That you are leaving earlier than you are requesting in your application of extension because.......

Send them copy of your flight ticket and the request if they can send a decision to your home address. (But I think they do not mail overseas, at least in my case they did not do it).

Ask your friends (or what is your "care of" address in US) to keep the mail from USCIS and after mail it to you to your home country. You absolutely will need it with the next visit in US.

I also did not have I-94 when I was leaving. People at the airport don´t care when you are leaving.

The most probably USCIS will approve your extension until your leaving date (according the flight ticket) - it happened to me. USCIS mailed the dicision to my "care of address" in US and my friends sent it to me to my home country.

When I was visiting the US next time I took all my correspondence with USCIS with me, of course the approval and new I-94 and the officer at POE asked me about it and wanted to see everything and he let me in. And told me to take it with me to every visit of US!

Your multiply entry visa should be OK. I was OK.

Good luck!
Thanks Daisy!

BTW, do you know if your experience was before or after USVISIT was implemented. Do we need the original I-94 to leave the US due to USVISIT.
You are welcome, Immi!

I am just not sure what do you mean "before or after USVISIT was implemented"....???

You don´t need the original I-94 (if you have sent it to USCIS as I did) to leave the US. You do not deal with immigration just with airport staff when you are leaving. If you have I-94 attached to your passport they take it. If not they don´t ask (they did not ask me).