Denver Transfer cases

transfered to Denver yesterday

My I-485 was transfered to Denver yesterday, Feb. 11, 2003.

here is info of my case:

ND: Mar. 7, 2001
RD: Mar. 29, 2001
FP: Jan. 9, 2002

Don't know why it was tranfered.

Any one know how long will it take for Denver office to arrange for an interview?

Question to Adjustee

It seemed your case got transfered too? When did that happen? and Did you get an interview date already?

My details
Employment based
RFE 12/03/02 RFE rcvd by INS 12/19

Transferred to Denver INS 02/02/03

No interview date yet.

Dont really know the reason for sure. I got married just a month before I filed for 485(got 140 approved much earlier) and I hear from the forum that is one reason to be transferred.

How about you Stoo? Any clues?
Also looks like your RD is pretty old, any idea why no action on that for this long? Did you call senator etc?

unknown reason for transfer

yes, my case is very old one and don't really know why took so long for them to process my case. We have contacted both senator and congressman offices for many times and they helped to contact NSC. Every time we call, or they made contact, the reply was the case was still pending with all the materials were in good standing. Don't really know why got it transfered. One of the reason might be my outstanding apeal to the Immi. Apeal Board for my EB1 case (the transfered case is EB2). I am very unluck in the whole process of applying for the green card: got denied two times for National Interest waiver, and one straight denial of my EB1, which is appealing. and now this one got transfered after almost two years waiting of I-485. It seemed that the God is testing my patient although I don't really know if there is a God.

Any way, I am still keep my fingures crossed and patiently waiting.
dont worry buddy!

ur time will surely come.
There r probably better n' nicer things awaiting u.
ur patience will be well rewarded by God.

-Another patient guy
Contacting Denver office


Have you contacted Denver INS for any info. about your transfer? I tried to call their office at 303-371-3041 with no answer at all. Will senator or congressman helpful if they are willing to contact local INS? Or will they help?

Another question, is local INS processing same day EAD renew? If not, do you know how long will it take for NSC to process the EAD renew?

Thanks and have a good weekend.
I got my interview scheduled on Mar6th
I could not get any info on case status over phone. Dont call that number no one attends it.
I walked into the office and asked for status. They gave me the interview letter. They had mailed my copy to the wroong address. I had updated my address with NSC but it seems these folks did not get updated.

So take half a day off, walk in at around noon time and you will be let in by 2 and be seen by 4pm. That is better than standing in line at 4am in the morning. And you can ask for status then with an IIO after getting a token number from first counter.

I found them very friendly and helpful.
Give it a try
All the best

PS:- They are processing same day EAD if you case is with them. In both of our cases the answer is yes.
Transfer to Denver INS

I checked my online status today.
It says my case has been transferred to Local Denver INS. Not quite sure why but I did get an RFE regarding birth certificate being incomplete.

ND 10/24/02
RFE 1/02/03
RFE replied 02/03/03

Also I don't see any progress on my wife's case. It still says as being processed after FP.

Appreciate any info on what to expect now, how long it takes normally since we are planning a trip to India in a couple of months and will the interview be only for me since my wife's case seems to be far behind?
Is your notice date October 2002 or 2001.
If it is really 2002 then you are lucky to hear about ur case this soon.

Was your wife's 485 filed at the same time as yours was? Was her case a dependent on ur case? If answer or both the questions is yes, it is higly likely that both of your cases will be transferred together.

It takes 2 months to get interview dates in Denver local INS after the transfer date.

If Iwere you I would wait till I get the interview date before planning a trip.
Good luck on our interview


The day after tomorrow will be your interview day. Good luck on it. I am sure that there will not be any supprises. I am looking forward to hearing your good news next Thursday.

I have recieved my interview date: Thur, Mar. 13, one week after yours. Currently, I am in the process of preparing all the materials.

Finally, after so many years of struggling, it will come to the end. Wish every one the good luck in their pursue of good life.

Best wishes!
Its over!

Yes, friends.
Finally, the moment has come.
Two hours ago I got the stamp in my passport. Three year ordeal is over.

Interview was straight-forward and simple. Asked for employment letter, tax returns, bank statemens, rental lease, daughters BC etc to prove marriage. The officer was very friendly and never even read any of the documents that we provided. The whole thing was over in an hour. Big relief. Hasnt sunk in yet. First thing I am doing after coming home was to make this posting.

I appreciate all of you support and advice. Thanks for bearing with me during my ups and downs with this process. We have a very good support network here with this forum.

All the best to all of you.

RD: Aug22, 2001
ND: Sep26, 2001
FP Dec 2001
RFE: Dec02, 2002
RFE Rcvd: Dec19 2002(Employment and birth cert affidavit)
Local Transfer to Denver: Feb2, 2003
Interview and approval date: MAr 06 2003

Thank God, it worked out finally.

Some local INS tips:

We reached there 90 minutes early. We werent allowed in untill 15 minutes before the interview time.
Better to take photocopy of all documents you are taking.
You can go directly inside when you enter. Pls dont bother about the queue, since you have an appointment. You can barge in, believe me.
If no parking available near INS try the parking lot near the Wells Fargo bank. (INS parking not allowed near the 7-11)
you are the first one in the new thread completed the full cycle (I mean getting transferred -interview- approval).

best of luck . good to hear that no new surprise. enjoy.

Thanks SD1963
Your docu list was the best.
I am sure your inteview will go fine too.

Kinda felt like an anti-climax when the officer didnt even look at the documents she collected. She didnt even glance at them, to my surprise.

I think yours is local transfer due to change in job. Looks like the local INS officers are not well wersed with employment based cases. This officer just told me "Just give me an employment letter from whomver you work for" She also didnt notice/care about the difference in my pay levels frolm my LC salary. (got increased twice and got cut once recenlty after replying to the RFE)

Strange ways. Uh?

Let me know how interview goes.
Transferred to the Denver local office - Interview experiences anyone ?

My 485 application was transferred to the Denver local office yesterday. I dont know why the transfer. I have been working for the same employer since my application was filed. The only reason I can think of is that I got married in July '01 and filed for the 485 in Dec '01.

Could people who have already attended interviews at Denver or anywhere else please post their experiences here ?
Would really appreciate it.


PD : May '99
RD : Dec '01
RFE : Jun '03
RFE Received by BCIS : 8/5/03
Transferred to Denver local office : 8/12/03
Any updates ???

Any updates from anyone else on interviews scheduled, or interview experiences ?.
I am wondering what the current time lag is between a case transfer to the Denver local office and interview date ?

Also, if anybody else has had their interviews done please update the rest of us about the experience. (Thank you adjustee for your update). There are not so many transferees to the denver office so it's difficult to get an idea of past experiences at that office.

Still awaiting the interview notice !!!


RD: 12/17/01
ND: 12/17/01
RFE Received by BCIS : 8/7/03
TD: 8/12/03