Denver Labor Certification


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I am new to this forum. I have questions regarding LC in Denver,

Applied for LC - June 18, 2001
Received Notice Remanding LC from DOL on Sep 11th, 2003.
My lawyer has responded with some documents and corrections to DOL on sep 18th, 2003.

Haven't heard anything after that....

So what exactly happens now?

Does this Notice means that they they hv started to process applications received after apr 2001 (unlike that the processing times say?? ) which may be good news for some of you out there,..

anyways,, please let me know if you all hv any info on this type of Notice and does the process beging all over again now??


Is your Application got remanded from Denver state office or it got forwarded to Denver Regional office and was remanded by Denver Regional office?
My lawyer is very difficult to get hold of,, which i am trying to,,

But the letter and documents the lawyer sent in reponse to notice ,, was sent to:

Department Of Labor and Employment,
Worforce development Programs,

Not sure if this is regional office or state,. and i have no Idea where this application was remanded to.. i am assuming it must hv been sent back to state from regional..

Did this help?
i will let you know once i hear from the Lawyer,..
I think so,
My lawyer has sent in reply to the notice..

A letter from the COmpany
Amended ETA 750 part a
An amended advertisement
The original LC package,..
Originally posted by GCnewman
I think so,
My lawyer has sent in reply to the notice..

A letter from the COmpany
Amended ETA 750 part a
An amended advertisement
The original LC package,..

When did he sent advertisement? In September.
ok, finally managed to get some info from the lawyer,..

got the papers approved from the DOL,..looks like the AD will be placed in another 1 month or so,.. the lawyer said that if everything goes as planned,, shd get the labor approved by June,04.
Dude (or Dudine for that matter:) ),

U'r confusing us. Were AD-s placed in newspapers already and she's going to repost them? Or is this the first time AD-s are posted in the newspapers?
The AD is going to be placed in another month or so for the first time.

I don't understand the whole procedure anyways,
So can you tell me if this is now in the state or federal level? or how will it take ?

Is my Lawyer right is saying that it shd get cleared by June ,04?
Your postings are confusing and contradictory. So, here's briefly how non-RIR LC approval works:

1. Company files ETA750 to SESA (State level), asking for permission to perform recruiting procedures under SESA supervision.

2. SESA respondes with a letter that essentially says: ETA750 seems ok, go ahead with recruiting efforts.

3. Company places AD-s for a month. Get's respose resumes. Interviews applicants, etc. At this point, they try to find legal and fair reasons for rejecting potential applicants.

4. The results of AD campaign are sent to SESA. SESA clears (or not) them and sends it further to federal DOL. In your case - Denver.

5. Federal DOL looks at the papers. Communicates back with any comments (requests). At this point they can either clear LC, requests more AD0-s or deny it.


It seems to me, if you're definatelly doing it non-RIR (with seems right due to timing), you're at step 2 at this point.

P.S. BTW, due to weird nature of DENVER DOL, the case might get sent to Dallas DOL for processing. I've no idea why or for what cases they do it. If this happens, well, good luck. Dallas DOL is 3 years behind.
Thanks a ton for your step by step explanation.

Yes you are right..
This is a NON-RIR case and i am in Step 2 ..

So i guess i can just forget about this whole process,, and just continue with my plans to move back to my home country in another 2 years or so :)

Why? She's probably right, LC should get clered in 5-6 month (assuming AD campaign will start soon). Besides, keep in mind that as long as it (ETA750) has been filed for more than 365 days, you can take advantage of 7-th year extension rule (extending your H1B for as long as LC gets approved or rejected).


BTW, is your job IT related?
Yeah i guess i cld use the 7th year extension.

I have beed on H1 for 3 yrs,, just got approval on my extension.. need to go thru the restamping process,..

No i am not in IT ,, my job is Hardware Design engineering related.

My lawyer today told me they are hoping to start the AD campaign by January, lets see,..
Hi Guys,
Just now I spoke my attorney. He said DOL is processing August, 2001, Non-RIR.
Hi guys
Could anyone tellme how much time does it take to get the labor certification inMontana?
I have applied in california and Iam now in the DOL(step 2)RIR.But it is taking ssooooo long.Do you think that it would be a good idea to start the proceeding again from Montana?
I would have to take a new job.