Denver DOL - How often do they updates the records

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Hi raj_vv

  I am not sure but when you applied with the title of "system analyst" didi\'nt your attorney clearly give the job description corresponding to system analyst? I have a doubt that the job description he gave in your labor certification is more or less like that of a "senior engineer" in general, according to state labor dept definition. All this I am guessing. Please talk to an attorney.

 Please post how it goes.GOodLuck

Virginia Boy
E-mail address for Texas and denver DOL

Could anyone please provide me the e-mail addresses for the Texas and Denver DOL ,so that I can check my LCA status,and what all information do I have to provide in the e-mail to get the correct status.I am in Denver Colorado.My GC was filed last year in April(2001),got the response from SESA in February this year(2002)
There was no application against the advertisement .SO,i guess mine should be limited review case.
Could any one provide me the e-mail address for both the Texas DOL and Denver DOL,so that I can check which center SESA has moved my case.
Thanks your support and response.
Labor Certification in Colorado

I applied my Labor Certification on July 2001 (EB2/NON-RIR) with colorado SESA, still waiting for AD letter from Colorado SESA. Is there anyway to make the processing faster? by sending letters to State Congress Men etc.I need your inputs whoever is falling under same category.

How to check individual case for Colorado SESA?

My LC was submitted on Dec 2001 - RIR/EB3. I haven\'t heard anything yet from my attorney. Does anyone out there who knows how to check the status of my case with Colorado SESA? Any comment or idea will be most welcome. Thanks!
In how many days SESA moves the case to DOL(next level)

How many days does SESA takes(approx.) to move the file to the next level(federal DOL).
My case was filed in Apr last yr.(EB3/NON-RIR),got the response from SESA this year in february.After doing the AD. related formailities , lawyer submitted back my case to the SESA.

Can anyone please tell me , many days/montns does SESA take to move the case further. I am curious to know where SESA will send my case ,is it DENVER DOL or Taxas DOL.

Thanks ,
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I am also in the same level.....
After the AD formalities , my case has been submitted back...
Anybody with this information, please do reply....


u\'r case will be sent in couple of weeks from the time it gets
approved in SESA to texas DOL since It is EB3 Category
Status check in CO

Presently they are working on cases in October 3 week, since u\'r
case was filed in DEC. it may take another 6-8 weeks to get that
cleared in SESA Colorado
I filed my Application for Labor with Colorado-SESA on July 2001
EB2/NON-RIR, How long it would take to get the Response for Ad-Letter
from SESA. I apreciate your inputs

No Title

Hi ,
I applied in April 2001..EB2/NON-RIR and I got my ad instructions in late April 2002. So you could get your ad instructions by July 2002...

Rahul07 do you work for Ciber in Colorado

Hello Rahul,
    Do u work for Ciber. If so how is their GC processing. I will be going through LRP process in my GC process, how long do you think will it take to get Labor in Colorado.

Thanks for your help
Any update on EB2/RIR cases in Denver

My case is filled in Denver on 11/01/01 in EB2/RIR category. Do any one have update on the latest processing times?
Thanks in advance
update on Denver merging to Dallas

Hi Guys ,
I just heard from my lawyer that those cases that are "problamatic" are only sent to Dallas. Otherwise they are processed in Denver.However this might change in the near future.


I Think SP_GC U\'r case should be completed by this weekend,
Keep us updated on what specific date u\'r case got cleared in
SESA and how many days is it taking to get that transferred to
LC approved from Utah/Denver

Hi everyone

I got a message from my lawyer last week that my LC was approved: EB2-RIR. I think it was sent to SESA in mid-Sept 2001.

Thanks everyone for sharing experiences/information. Good Luck to all of you.

Colorado Labor Processing Status...

The following is the reply I got from one of the good officer in the Colorado SESA office. The news is not so good.

During April 30, 2001, we received over 3,300
245i applications with a majority of these applications
are a MESS and need alot of attention. We decided to implement
employer workshops to assist employers throughout Colorado which
will take time from processing these applications after April 2001.
Sorry, to inform you of this bad news. Big Questions is UNKOWN when
can we process applications after April 2001???