Denial Letter for Expedited Processing


Registered Users (C)
I got a letter from USCIS yesterday saying that they are dening my request
for expedited processing of our I-485s. :mad:

Actualy i started sending faxes after seeing some ppl got approved after
sending faxes. My fp is expiring this month. I sent 1 fax in june and 1 in july
1st week. no response. so i sent 2 more faxes (1 for each fax number)
on july 20th. For that, they sent a reply saying that my request has been
denied. but the problem is, 2 days back i sent 2 more (1 for each #)
without knowing that denial letter for my previous request is on the way.

Is the latest fax that i sent is going to create probelms? or they will just
ignore it? I remember reading some post regarding someone got the
similar denial letter. but could not locate it. Any thoughts? :confused:

485 RD : 09/19/02
FP : 05/22/03
2 EADs 2 APs.

Man becareful before sending Faxes to USCIS....

Some one in the fax machine area got p***ed of getting more faxes and load the papers in fax trays and started issuing denials.

BaSh :confused: :confused:
Knowing TSC, you might be surprised -- the latest fax might actually trigger your approval. With TSC, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Don't worry about it and make yourself more miserable.

four80five said:
Is the latest fax that i sent is going to create probelms? or they will just
ignore it? I remember reading some post regarding someone got the
similar denial letter. but could not locate it. Any thoughts? :confused:

485 RD : 09/19/02
FP : 05/22/03
2 EADs 2 APs.
Denial is for Expedited Request only

Here I read the denial as being applicable for only the expedited request fax and not for I-485 per se. Therefore, I don't think one has to worry about I-485 being denied because of the fax requests sent. That much said, repeated spamming of a Governmental agency will have unwanted consequences if it is crossing reasonable limits. Yes, here I am speculating, but not without a reason.

While requests can be deemed to be normal, importunateness is abnormal and repeated dispatches of faxes and emails mean nothing more than the detested four-letter word: SPAM. Moreover, it is a blatant intrustion and transgression into the affairs of a Governmental agency whose prerogative it is to adjudicate a pending application. I have never seen any denials based on importunateness, but anything that is overdone may have serious consequences. Who knows?

Your point is well taken. However, if TSC had a reputation for responding to requests in a timely manner, then applicants would not have resorted to sending multiple requests. Bottomline: TSC, through its own sloppy and erractic responses, has earned the previlege to receive these SPAMS -- so I would stop short of describing these flurry of faxes as "a blatant intrusion and transgression" into TSC's affairs.

poongunranar said:
Here I read the denial as being applicable for only the expedited request fax and not for I-485 per se. Therefore, I don't think one has to worry about I-485 being denied because of the fax requests sent. That much said, repeated spamming of a Governmental agency will have unwanted consequences if it is crossing reasonable limits. Yes, here I am speculating, but not without a reason.

While requests can be deemed to be normal, importunateness is abnormal and repeated dispatches of faxes and emails mean nothing more than the detested four-letter word: SPAM. Moreover, it is a blatant intrustion and transgression into the affairs of a Governmental agency whose prerogative it is to adjudicate a pending application. I have never seen any denials based on importunateness, but anything that is overdone may have serious consequences. Who knows?
budboy said:
Bottomline: TSC, through its own sloppy and erractic responses, has earned the previlege to receive these SPAMS -- so I would stop short of describing these flurry of faxes as "a blatant intrusion and transgression" into TSC's affairs.

I understand your frustration and add mine to it as well, because, I will be here in this forum for many more months to come because of the very same sloppiness that you are accusing INS of :). However, I do not want anybody in this forum to hurt their chances by resorting to dispatching repeated messages. I know we respectfully disagree on this issue, but then I am worried not about whether the action of sending numerous faxes is right or not; rather, my worry is that none should cross over-board in order to jeopardize their chances.

At the end of the day it is not whether you proved your point to INS about their bungling of your applications. It is about whether you got the fruits of your labor -- a green-card! It would be unfortunate if an idea is consistently floated that repeated faxes would fetch desired results. And on issues such as these, I just want to point out that the risks are high. That is all.

Don't take this to be supportive of INS, but, I am merely concerned about us and our prospects and hence advocate moderation.
It is really surprising to know they even sent denial letters. Sending fax to TSC - some got approved, some got denial letter. That is TSC, their inconsistency is constant.
For you I-485, I would say do NOT worry about it. They won't link your I-485 to other things that closely as we see time after time they approve people's EAD and AP even after they got their GC.
Don't worry it won't hurt ur case..... they will ignore it...

One of geniune case person shared even he fall the catagery of expedite case, he was refused with strong words threatning style letter from them saying If he has asked congresstional help aldready and advised him that he should not faxes any letter to them. the wording was strong he scared and stoped..........

ur RD/ND 09/02 so current official date is 03/04/02 so u decide urself....
second thing I advised for everyone.......that the Attorney is the best person who can communicate with them.......beccase they have G-28 form that only authorized person for inquery/blah blah is ur attorney not personaly..... and it make a lot of difference when they know who they are talking .... a miserable applicant or Attorney. :D Always use ur attorney ....... for any communication between u and USCIS and they do reply..... properly.

it won't hurt ur case.. ....... be patient ........ smile relax.... and wait untill current date cross ur rd/nd..... then use only attorney to communicate not u.

Good Luck
Attorney? Sure, my !@#$@# lawyer charges me for saying 'hello' to me.

If he can really expedite my case, I would be more than gladly to pay him a little extra, but all he has done is filing paperwork and giving me unrealistic hope. He told me my case could be approved in May. 2003. What is it now?
My point is since they have the time to write a denial letter, why not write back an acknowledgement and say:

'We have received your fax and we are considering your request. If you have not heard from us in xxx days, please feel free to send in your request to this # or make your inquiry through this 1800#. Here's a reference# you can use for further inquiry.'

That would stop any further SPAM or frustration.
Chinabee is correct

They can as well send a mail, saying they received the fax, so people will not fax multiple times. If attorney is so help full people will never fax by them selves.

In earlier times, when people didn't had to send expedite faxes every other week i.e, things were little better, the INS would typically respond to your request for expedited processing. It would either accept it or deny it. So, in that way the response quoted here is not atypical. However, these days they get so many faxes that they don't bother to respond. But like poongunranar pointed out please be careful. They might try to make an example out of one person by denying the actual I485. Now you can go appeal the decision and ultimately get approved but it will take time and cost money. So why not exercise some discretion before faxing. Rule of thumb is that if your ND is current it is probably not such a bad idea to fax once every 15 days. After all, in such a situation you have got a valid reason. Good Luck!

ND 09/01
AD 07/04
Thanks sg_rg2. You precisely got my point.

Thanks sg_rg2. You have clearly understood the reason behind my exhortation. After all, it is only the person whose house in flames has to douse it. Any time an exceptional procedure is used over and above the agency is not going to put up with it. Also, if everybody can spam too many requests for expedient processing even genuine requests will be turned down.

I have painfully seen people cry in this forum when their requests for expedient processing were rejected outright, when the compelling reasons were deaths, accidents, and other catastrophic humanitarian reasons warranting such an expedient adjudication, especially for Advanced Parole.

In a way, when we are oblivious to such repercussions, we are not only hurting others' chances, but are even unknowingly putting our own petitions under jeopardy.

Guys, please know that this is a country based on common-law system or judge-made-law system where the concept of stare decisis is fully in vogue. In short it is called as case-law. There need not be any statutes to expressly prohibit a practice. However, if a decision was forced down the throat of an agency and it could justify its decision to deny for whatever reason, then it will enter into case-law with a firm stare decisis. I just don't want any of you to get into a mess and proudly contribute to a case law.

I repeat. This guy is safe right now because only his expedient request was denied. However, if he would continue doing this with scant regard to the denials, he may put his I-485 under jeopardy. There are always risks that are worth taking. However, I will leave it to yours, if you want to take an extreme form of risk by sending too many fax requests.

BTW, if anybody still insist that you do that, ask them to do it first. In fact ask them if they have done that many times. Don't be a passionate guinea-pig to satiate others' curiosity. Ultimately it is you and yours that will be in jeopardy.

Treat an exception as an exception and norm a norm. Period. Good luck, folks.
Thanks everyone for the info..

As you have suggested i think its better to stop sending faxes for
expediting the process.
LUD changed

I just noticed, both myself and wife's case last update date changed
to today. Hope they dont do anything bad based on my latest fax. :confused:

485 RD : 09/19/02
FP : 05/22/03
lud : 08/06/04

Guess What!!!!..

Both of our cases changed to "approved" .

and while i am typing this i got the magic emails.

your prediction happened. someone approved based on my latest fax.

but i was afraid, after seeing that lud changed without any status change.

anyway my 485 journey finished in a thrilling manner.
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lucky me I haven't sent any fax :cool:
but don't worry my friend
we all be in paradise shortly after they clear all boxes they have on top of our 485's