Democrats are offering their version of immigration reform

Look around the corner and you will see why it WILL be BIPARTISAN bill

By 2020 the baby boom generation (40% of workforce) will be completely retired. Which means that not only:

1. New workers are needed to fund the Soc Sec. for such a huge block of retirees.

2. New workers are needed to replace the retiring workers (in all sorts of jobs) even to "maintain" the economy at the current level. Increased productivity will help a little but not enough to replace 40% of the workforce.

3. Given the above, bringing in immigrant labor will temporarily depress the wages BUT keep the American companies HERE in the country, and in the long run maintain the standard of living.

The only way to satisfy these trends above is to open the flood gates or face:

1. Backruptcy of Soc Sec. ( Do you think retirees will prefer the NEW LABOR to pay in to Soc Sec. instead of building walls around the country and noone getting a dime?)

2. Business corporations will move to save themselves from such a huge labor shortage. Thereby SHRINKING the economy where it would be impossible to sustain the standard of living currently enjoyed.

As you can see that once again the time has come (as before in American History) where LABOR GROUPS, BUSINESSES, and POLITICIANS will all have to Support and Sell the benefits of Immigration to the people.

Furthermore, both parties realize that Hispanics and Asians will make 30-35% of the population after just "3-4" more elections!

Can anyone really sustain an arguement that given the above trends, US Govt. will spend billions to send the immigrants back and risk unavailability of appropriate labor?

Already, the think tanks (they are the ones who study and publish reports so that politicians can govern based on the research) are getting extremely concerned that the flow of students and labor is slowing down. So much money is spent on training and educating these "potential workers" + "potential burden bearers of future soc sec. checks" and now the trend of "reverse brain drain" threaten to destabilize the Pyramid.

Another trend is "free movement of labor". I read an article the other day which said more than 30,000 Americans ( not expats ) moved to India last year for jobs. They are learning the language(s) and way of life in that country. Special institutes have sprung up to handle these demands.

People will follow JOBS, period. The same reason so many brave the bullets at the southern borders to come here and send the money back for their wife, kids and parents.