Democrats are offering their version of immigration reform


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HOUSTON : Congressional Democrats are offering their version of immigration reform plan by introducing an ambitious immigration reform bill on Monday that will pave the way for millions of illegal immigrants to attain citizenship.

However, it plans to restrict the entry of more workers to the US. The Democratic plan would offer green cards and permanent resident status to all immigrants who have been in the US for at least five years, can prove they have worked at least 24 months and have passed background and medical checks, according to a report in Los Angeles Times.

It also would loosen quotas that prevent many immigrants from bringing relatives into the US. The Democrats' proposal, coupled with the Bush plan, would frame the election-year debate on a politically sensitive issue.
In many parts of the country, and especially in swing states such as Florida and New Mexico , both parties are courting immigrant constituencies.
The democratic report is in contrast with US President George W Bush's guest worker proposal.
The Democrats would make it harder to import so-called "guest workers", but would open the path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the country.
Bush would allow illegal immigrants to become legal temporary workers, but without a promise of green cards or citizenship.
The Democratic bill was drafted by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, D-Ill.
It is an effort to recapture a traditionally Democratic issue from Bush, who got out in front by proposing a new guest worker plan that would allow as many as 12 million now-illegal immigrants to obtain temporary legal status.
"It's political tit for tat," said Demetrios Papademetriou, president of the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan Washington , DC , think tank.
"The Democrats have been working on immigration for quite a while, and they cannot afford to have the president one-up them on it."
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what about legal non-immigrants

The bill says about illegal immegrants who have been in this country for 5 years. I am a legal non-immigrant on H1 and stuck in the GC tangle. haven't left this country for 4.5 years and have continuously worked.

Does the bill cover me :confused: :confused:
i *think* they mean illegals...

aren't we all non-immigrants? i mean if you in H1 or L1 then you are a non-immigrant.
All immigrants - Legal or illegal.

The Democratic plan would offer green cards and permanent resident status to all immigrants who have been in the US for at least five years
I guess that will happen AFTER we ALL get our GCs. Not being pessimistic, have been in this country for 6 years now, never seen anything +ve happening in terms of GC!!
they can kiss my 6

We all have done it the right way and spent a lot, so guess what? I am against illegals getting a GC.
Originally posted by Normann
they can kiss my 6

We all have done it the right way and spent a lot, so guess what? I am against illegals getting a GC.

There is a very thin line between a legal and an illegal. The line is mainly political. Human needs aren't aware of any such definition. If they want they can turn you and me into an illegal one with just a strike of a pen in a fraction of second.
But there is a clear line between immigrant and non-immigrant

There are 3 categories of foreigners in the US:
a) The non-immigrants: those with visas , including B, F, J, K, H, L , etc...
All of us on L, H, F visas were non-immigrants ( I guess until approval of I-140) .

b) The legal immigrants (those with GC)
c) The ilegal immigrants (the rest)

I guess, the proposal is about "legalizing" the immigrants.
In other words , the idea is give the ilegal immigrants the possibilty to obtain the GC and become legal immigrants

P.S. I don't know what status is "AOS pending" ...
Declaration of Intent

I guess we could all use some official interpretation and clarification. However, once a person on non-immigrant visa files for I-140 and/or I-485, isn't that a declaration to immigrate?
Originally posted by w8nc
If they are here illegally, why call them immigrants?:confused:
Because they immigrated (moved permanently ) to the U.S.
I guess, it's matter of definitions , isn't ?
Re: Declaration of Intent

Originally posted by 485Alcatraz
I guess we could all use some official interpretation and clarification. However, once a person on non-immigrant visa files for I-140 and/or I-485, isn't that a declaration to immigrate?
Sure , we can get some definitions from

(15) The term "immigrant" means every alien except an alien who is within one of the following classes of nonimmigrant aliens
(the definition of non-immigrant visas follows)

I guess "legal immigrant" means

(20) The term "lawfully admitted for permanent residence" means the status of having been lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States as an immigrant in accordance with the immigration laws, such status not having changed.

Once the persone filed the I140 (or the company files for him), the intention to immigrate is clear (you'll be denied an F visa, for example) , BUT ... until the I485 is not approved , the person is not an immigant , yet ... IMHO ...

Again, I couldn't find a legal "AOS" status ...
Status of Immigrant

As legal entrants to this country, most of the users of the forum did not even begin the GC process immediately on arival to this country. There is a large number amongst us who applied towards the end of our H1 visas.

So technically speaking one is NOT an immigrant until you begin the application for GC. So unless your GC processing has taken more than 5 years, you may not qualify for GC on the basis of this bill.

We can continue to pound these boards. :mad:
anyway why sulk..

The democrats have no chance of getting such a bill passed. They do not hold senate or congress. Even then if it passed and everyone in US, illegal or legal, immigrant or non-immigrant is allowed to file for GC, in no way any of them can get it in atleast 5 more years. With the current load, USCIS is taking 3 years, with 5 -10 times the load... guys forget it..

Can we keep applying for AP and EAD every year for next 5 years and continue uncertainities in life .....:mad: :mad: :mad:

I wish INS just tries to reduce the existing employment backlog and whatever rest it does with illegal immigrants, why the hell I care....

Go ahead USCIS, make all illegal immigrants citizens tomorrow...but please give me that damn GC soon and I will be happy ..
Bill is posted at

Line 18 raised my hopes, to dash them a few lines later:

(A) IN GENERAL.—The alien shall estab- 15
lish that the alien— 16
(i) was physically present in the 17
United States, lawfully or unlawfully, for 18
at least 5 years preceding the date on 19
which this Act was introduced; 20
(ii) on such date, was not legally 21
present in the United States pursuant to 22
any classification set forth in section 23
101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nation- 24
ality Act (with the exception of subpara- 1
graph (V) of such section); and 2
Do they need just physical presence in any visa format, including visitors, student, xchange researcher..blah..?
Of could be here continuous in diff visa status.
Also I do hope they allow 1 month vacations taken during the 5 yr stay as part of the continuous stay!!!
Most of the illegal reesidents work in low wage jobs and work in jobs that the local americans were not willing to undertake. So even if these illegal immigrants r made legal, there will be no threat to jobs of the local american residents.
However people who work on H1 and other visa compete directly with the local residents for well paying jobs. There is no incentive to allow the H1 visa holders to be here for more than 6 yrs. But they do offer great advantage to the local businesses who can use such H1 labor as a buffer for good and bad economy.
Plus the illegal immigrants are mostly composed of people from the Latin america. They are a GREAT vote bank.
The majority of people in the work visa categories are from India and China who have viewed contributions to politics with skepticism and thus have little political clout with the policy makers. One does not need numbers to have political clout. Look at the Jewsish community and the tremendous political clout. One just needs a definingly "loud" power which in case of Indians, Chinese and other people in the work category is the intellectual and economic power. I do not mean loud as being boorish and obnoxious. I mean loud as in being heard in the opinion and one's voice. It is sad that the American society values "loudness", but is a true fact. This is a fact that we all learn slowly and at times, painfully. It is very contrary to the traditions of humility and fatalistic acceptence that we are bred upon. However we need to voice our state to the local people. But the voice should be made tactfully. Do not complain about the system abusively. Instead complain about the fact that one has been economically contributing to this society with no returns (SS tax, medicare tax)! Americans can listen to a logical complaint. Voice the fact that illegal residents r more valued (sarcastical tone) than legal residents.
I am sure many of you are already doing this. But this is also for some new members who are relatively new to this system and who are just starting out in this society and path to becoming members of this society.
Hi, guys,

Relax! I can bet one hundred bucks that this bill will never run! Here is my reasons: number one and the worst, the rule is too loose. You only need to stay 5 years and work two years? too good to be true. Number two how to define "work two years"? does that mean as long as I paid tax enough to make 4 ss pts, then this year will be count? Number three this is a real boost for illegal immigration even worse than general amnasty! I can tell you if i am not in the States now and this bill passes, I will try to come to this country by all means! Since as soon as you land on this country, you can manage to get you green card all BY YOURSELF! This bill is a blank check and the Americans will NEVER do that. They will never give up the leash around our necks.

I have been in this country for more than ten yeas and just got my green card yesterday. I have seen many different bills saying to repair the immigration. No matter how different they are, the only bills got passed were the ones to tighten the string of immigration (some guys, if you live here long enough, will remember the 1996 Simpson bill). Step back again, if you look at the whole history of American immigration, the general trend is to get difficult. U.S has long passed the stage that needs people to populate this land. I believe that eventually U.S will totally abandon immigration for good.

Back to that bill, guys remember this is election year. Immigration is a forever good issue to win votes in both ways.
Originally posted by WaitinginQ
There is a very thin line between a legal and an illegal. The line is mainly political. Human needs aren't aware of any such definition. If they want they can turn you and me into an illegal one with just a strike of a pen in a fraction of second.

so if you are sick, it is OK to walk into a bank with a gun

hmmmm... I disagree. I came here legally, the rest did not. While I understand their need and desparation, one must see that there is a difference.

And no. They can't make me illegal with a strike of a pen, as that strike would be illegal. You got it backwards.