Delhi Us Embassy Final Confirmation. If U Have Lived Only In India And Usa, And Are Currently In Usa


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There have been 3 + final confirmations from the Delhi EMbassy in 2 days. All reconfirm that the final decision in Delhi is PCC from US Consulate is required and sufficient for CP. No PCC\'s from India local police station and/or passport office required.

CP Still rocks. And is the way to go. This will be effective from Jan 1 2002 going forward.
I confirmed this with the US embassy in Delhi yesterday night

and PCC from consulate is enough for people like us.
Somebody posted this message ...Is this true ?

Oct140 "From Under Breaking News About PCC !!" 12/14/01 2:46pm

Confused ........
AILA re !

Another player in the whole confusion ! Aila re govinda !!

Local PCC experts, if we are requesting PCC by mail to the consulate, do we need to send the original passport as well ? I think I read earlier that PCC is basically a stamp they put on your passport. Anybody who has got this by mail, please enlighten.

Guys this is the new requirement for Immigration.

But since Delhi EMbassy has confirmed and reconfirmed 4-5 times in the past 3 days that PCC from US Indian copnsulate is enough.
I think it should be fine.
Re: Guys this is the new requirement for Immigration

Sudhir, is a very reliable site and AILA represents all immigration lawyers in the US. They hold conferences with INS etc. Shit man... I have this sinking feeling that PCC from consulate might not be it after all. AILA has a website Someone wants to call them?

On the other hand whatever comes from AILA will reach your lawyer in a day or two. So you are probably going to be hearingfrom your lawyer anyway which will then get this thing clarified once and for all. Shit... man... another ound of same PCC crap...
$$$$.................OHhhhhhhhhhhhhh NOoooooooooooooo.............Its there .................$$$$$$$

Updated 12/14/01: Important Notice to Immigrant Visa Applicants in India

AILA has reported that beginning from January 1, 2002, all the immigrant visa applicants over 16 years of age must submit "two" Indian Certificates, one from the local police station, and the other from the Regional Passport Office of your jurisdiction. Very important.

The certificates are required only in the consular processing and not required in the INS 485 adjustment of status proceeding.
I believe that it is just another piece of confusion. How can US consulate confirm me yesterday nigh

AILA was going to come out with different rule today morning...

I hope it will get sorted out too.
No Title

> I believe that it is just another piece of confusion. How can US consulate confirm me yesterday night if

> AILA was going to come out with different rule today morning...

> I hope it will get sorted out too.

I hope so too. And god!! this time it will be the lawyers doing this f*** job of clarifying the PCC requirements not we guys spending sleepless nights calling. And whatever they get clarified will certainly be the last word on this whole darned issue!! Just that makes me happy.

Guys give plenty of input to your lawyers that such documents cannot be obtained by we guys in the US, that the consulate verified otherwise and so on...
Guys, just don\'t panic.

First of all, if you think properly :

Chennai consulate : never asked for PCC.
Mumbai & Delhi consulate : Started asking for 2 PCCs in beginning but after realising that it was impractical they also changed it to PCC issued by Indian consulate at US.

Don\'t you feel that the news from AILA is just a backlog of the confusion which is flushing out from the pipeline of this whole confusion bubble ??

Lets inform our attorney\'s firm with the real situation that asking for PCCs in India is impractical as it takes more than 3 months..moreover all the consulates in india have agreed on the PCCs issued by Indian consulate at US as been sufficient for interview till yesterday...I hope this thing will also get sort out.
I couldn\'t agree more with u visahl. AILA may be simply echoing th estuff we were discussing in thi

Yes dude ap and Vishal. If you see the AILA posting is basically the new notice regarding PCC includ

SInce we have called up the Embassy and reconfirmed that US PCC is enough, I think we should be fine.
DUDE : I think you misunderstood me. I meant to say that what is posted on the website & in

AILA notice is just a backlog of the thing we have been discussing since last 3 weeks. They haven\'t realised the im-practicality hidden behind this new regulation.
On the other hand, since US consulate itself has confirmed many people that PCC from Indian embassay at US would be sufficient, I think we should be fine if we just carry it with us.
