Delaying Fingerprinting notice?

mr. a

Registered Users (C)
Hi, I recently got my fingerprint notice but I am out of state. Is it possible or recommended to delay my fingerprint date for another month and a half?
mr. a said:
Hi, I recently got my fingerprint notice but I am out of state. Is it possible or recommended to delay my fingerprint date for another month and a half?

I think so. You can call the I-800 number and reschedule.
mr. a said:
Hi, I recently got my fingerprint notice but I am out of state. Is it possible or recommended to delay my fingerprint date for another month and a half?

Is it possible to delay? YES just send the FP notice back with request of new date.
Is it recommended? NO.
Delaying FP will delay whole process. Most ASC/DO have walkin and Saturdays also it may fit your schedule.