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Delay in receiving green card


New Member
We've won the green card lottery in 2001 and having been interviewed, got a visa from Abu Dhabi, UAE embassy for a year. The temporary visa expired in 2003. How can I check my status concerning reception of the permanant green card?

You did not give enough info, so I'll post multiple possibilities :

- got your visa in the UAE, went to the US within 6m from approval: you should have received a plastic GC. If you did not receive one, you can file I90 for replacement of GC.

- got your visa, did not go to the US within 6m : you did not activate your GC by not going to the US. Thus, you do not have a GC. You are NOT a Legal Permanent Resident.

I have the impression you are the second case.
You had 6months from the date of your visa approval ( stamp in passport ) to go to the US to activate your visa, and start the procedure to obtain a real GC. Then, once you cross the border ( arrive at the US immigration ), the guy stamps your visa so that it is serves as a temporary GC for the time it takes to receive the plastic one ( the one that looks like a driving license ): that's the one year validity you're talking about..