Delay in NORI


Registered Users (C)

My application for NORI from India is taking quite a bit of time. I have only received one letter and two are still awaited. I am wondering if any of you know of a lawyer in the US/ India with contacts in India (Delhi especially) who may meet the right authorities to expediate things. I would do this personally but cant visit India in the near future due to personal reasons. I would be willing to pay for the services rendered.


Hi Tilak
In my opinion it is your responsibility to track the application, i dont think no lawyer can take the responsibility in doing that job, may be i might be wrong you can search for one. Also it would be good if some one is following up your application in the respective officies back in India, chances are very high to get them very soon. Which state are you from?
Sridhar Reddy

Hi Sridhar,

I am from Delhi. I no longer have any contacts in Delhi and cannot travel there in the near future because of work obligations. This is the reason for the query.

Usually from ministry of HR New Delhi , the NORI will be issued with no follow up and delay , but i am not sure about your misnistry of home and passport office , some have to follow up otherwise they will take long , no other alternative i guess