December 2001 Approval


Registered Users (C)
It gives me great pleasure to report that my I475 application has been approved. I am a December 2001 filer. I just got the courtest copy today. I will go to Seattle, WA with the courtesy copy to get the stamp on Wednesday.

Here are my details:

RD 12/18/2001
ND 12/26/2001
1st FP: April 2002
1st RFE July 2003 - for employment verification. I had my employer send a letter with my wages and with the statement that I will be a permanent employee.
2nd RFE - August 2003 - for proof of special registration. I am from Bangladesh. I photopied my I-94 with the special registration information and typed up a summary page showing the dates I registered and at which BCIS field office.

Approval Date: September 17th, 2003
Courtesy Copy received on September 22, 2003

I did not contact any Senators or my congressman, but I was on the verge of doing so.
Thanks to all posters who helped with advice. And to the rest of you, your turn will come be patient. I came to the US as an undergraduate student in August of 1992. I started working at my employer in 1997. It's been a really long journey.

Plans for 2004: to contribute money to immigration friendly political candidates! (yes, green card holders are eligible to do this).

Best regards,

Many many congratulations on your approval. It gave me immense pleasure on seeing your post as soon as I went to the forum this morning. It also gives me a lot of hope on my case as we both have almost similar dates.

Enjoy the moment!


We can only imagne how happy you are now. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Free at last.
Congrats Sadiq…and thanks for your sincere really makes one happy to hear that still some good souls are there in this world….Good Luck Buddy..
Congrats Sadiq!!!!!! Enjoy your freedom.

Question - Did you have to do the second FP? The reason I am asking this is your first FP was done in Apr 2002 so it must have expired by the time your case was taken up for processing.
Hi Sadiq,


Remember the pattern.....We were talking about...
It's like Final Destination movie....
You got it....

This is a good news in the morning...

congratulations. It is indeed the best way to start my day. I've been here since 1993, it is a very long journey. You learn to live with it, and now, finally, your life can go on as you deserved, isn't that awesome?!
Thanks for the kind words. Only the posters in this forum can feel our anguish and misery and just by reading this I got streength daily.

I forgot to mention some details. I had my 2nd fingerprinting inn August 2003.

The AVM is updated, but the on-line update hasn't been working for almost 1 week now.

Hang in there everyone, especially those of you from special registration countries. Your date is coming. Things are sloow as hell, but


p.s. having trouble with rupnet. I will update my details under user id rms as soon as I can. Will also post my stamping experience. Just about to leave for Sewattle to get it done.
Congratulations man.

I'm really happy for you, and wish you the best for your future.


After you did the 2nd FP, did the online got updated saying "the results of your FP blah blah......." ??? If so, how long did it take??? I did my 2nd FP on Sept 10 and no update at all......Please post.....
I couldn't access my old rupnet user name, so I used sadiq. Information updated.

from_rep, I did the 2nd fingerprinting in August 2003. They never udpated either the webpage or the AVM with respect to the fingerpring data. This is typical since the last one took several months (for me), so I would not worry too much about the lack of information.

I just checked the webpage and the message reads that the case has been approved. The case was actually approved on 9/17, but they only updated the webpage on 9/23. The AVM has also been updated, but I don't know when they did it.

Try this. Call the FBI and see if they sent the fingerprints. If they did, they will tell you (although they won't tell you the results). Then call the BCIS 1-800 number and ask the receptionist to update your webpage. I say this because some people have complained BCIS will not tell you over the telephone if they received your prints.

As for passport stamping, I did it today in Seattle, WA. The Seattle office know accepts appointments, so it's best to call them and avoid the lines. Didn't know that. The IIO said I should receive the actual card in 10-12 months (hopefuly sooner).

Thanks for the info and appreciate it........I guess I will have to stay tight for God knows how long more.....