Dec chennai interview: have u recvd the appointment letter?


New Member
I have 27th dec chennai interview. I have not received the appointment letter (US address). Has anybody received it yet? I will be leaving US in 4 days. Hopefully they going to accept the printout from the web.

No Title

They will accept the printout from web. and dont try to take the appointment letter from consulate before the interview as these days they are not allowing any person inside the consulate with out the interview coz of sept 11th attacks. and nobody will be allowed inside to take the duplicate interview letters also. so dont take a pain of taking that, i bet on this take a printout from web to consulate as well as to the doctor too they will accept at both the places
guys, my interview is on Dec 26th and so far didnt receive the appt letter (US address)

so requested the consulate to reply me in email the names of the person included with the case number as the web site dont have names or no of persons attached to the case.they replied promptly with the names.I hope both this email and website print out is more then enough to do the medicals and also to enter the consulate.I am also leaving this weekend.hope we will get it by then.
No Title

you dont need the mail sent by consulate also.. you just need the print out from the website. i will tell you the reason for this one. once when you show the printout of your petition they wont let you in anyways first they will check in the system for your name and your dependents name across your passports then only they will let you in. if you take the printout sent by consulate people also they have cross check your passports to the names in the system, and coming to the doctors stuff just the printout will do.
so dont worry about this you are fine,
Hello Samind, Could you please direct me where to download the appointment

letter from the web. Is it a general letter?
Thank you in advance.
appointment letter

My interview date is 18th of Dec.\'01 at US consulate, Chennai. I haven\'t received my appointment letter until today. I got an email from US consulate and asked me to print out the interview schedule, case no. print out appear in the consulate web site. This is enought to show in the Lester and medical appointment.