Dec. 21 CP Done in Mumbai


Registered Users (C)
It was a smooth process. Will write a more detailed experience later.

Couple of points:

- Passports returned on the same day. Infact just an hour after the interview.
- Lots of questions asked during the document collection process. Easy questions though.
Document collection time - 15 minutes.
Inerview time - 2 minutes.

Done by 11.30 AM and got passports by 12.30 pm.
Inteview Line

Did u had to wait in the line for the interview or not?
Please give us more details and the time frame it took you from I140 Process.
CP Experience - Part 1


Chose Breach Candy: They start at about 7.30 AM. Got there about 7.15 AM. Not too long a line. Only applicants allowed inside - no relatives. First asked to fill a form and assigned a number. Called again to pay fee ~Rs. 2800 for 2. The actual medical examination is a two step process

Step 1: Blood test and Xray done by 9.30 am. Asked to come back at 10.30 am. You can do whatever you want in the mean time.

Step 2 (10.30 AM): First height and weight are taken. Then Ladies and Gentlemen are separated. Gents sent to another part of the hospital. I guess men get male doctors and women get female doctors. You just wait for your turn before called by a doctor. Most people get atleast a tetnus shot and also an MMR unless you have records. Doctors are very professional. Be prepared for brief but complete physical.

Ladies got their reports immediately after they were done at about 1.30 pm. Gents were asked to come back at 3.30 PM.

If you are not from Mumbai. I recommend nearby Snowman milkshake (currently under repair) while you wait to get the reports in the afternoon. Lots of roadside joints. Ofcourse in Mumbai you can get fancy and spend Rs. 2000 or more for lunch for 2.

Photographs: My Own Studio: Rs. 80 for regular service(given phtos on 3rd day at 6.00 PM) and Rs. 150 for next day service.

Bank Drafts: Indian Overseas Bank across from the consulate. They charge Rs. 100 for each draft (application - Rs. 12,480 and Issuance - Rs 3,120). If you combine for you and other family members for each kind of draft they will charge their fee accordingly. By the way they open at 7.30 AM for visa draft service (regular hours: 9.00 AM - 2.00 PM M-F, 9.00 - 11.30 AM Sat)
CP Experience - Part 2

Doc Preparation: I had total 10 folders. In 2 folders I had assembled all the required CP docs for my self and wife - docs that they were definitely going to collect. Rest were "might be asked for" docs in other 8 folders - Old I120s, transcripts, job exp. letters, bank statements, tax returns, wedding photos and card etc.)

Required Docs Folder 1:
Passport, Immigration style photos, DS 230 I&II, Birth Cert + copy, Marriage Cert + copy, Notarized job letter, IRS 9003

Required Docs Folder 2 (Wife): Same except I134 (Affidavit of Support) instead of job letter

Interview Day: Interview time at 9.30 AM. Got there at 9.15 AM. Go only 15 minutes before your interview time. They won\'t let you in if you arrive much before. Security is really tight these days. Infact the consulate is now protected as if it is in the war zone with bunker like structures outside.

There is too much hype about what kind of bags you can take inside on this forum. As long it is plastic it will do. No women\'s purse i think. Saw parents with kids carrying all sort of baby stuff.

Settled inside at 9.30 AM. Got misdirected to go to Window #9. After couple of minutes realized on my own that that was the wrong window. Asked couple of people around and went to Window # 13 to pay the fees. Then went back and told rest of the folks waiting at #9 to do the same.
CP Experience - Part 3

Got called at 10.15 AM for prescreen. Asked to show DS Part 1 and 2. Forms checked for 1 minute and then asked to wait again. I think they were making sure that you had the right forms DS 230 as opposed to OF 230). Atleast one person did not and he had to fill DS by hand and that wasted lot of his time.

Asked to wait. Got called for doc collection at 10.30 AM at window #9

Asked simultaneously for my docs and my wife\'s docs.
1) Passport
2) Photos (don\'t sign from before they will direct you to sign apprpriately at the window)
3) DS Part I and II
4) IRS 9003 (yes very much required)
5) Birth and Marriage Cert
6) Company letter/I134
7) Current H1 approval

The person collecting was a very nice Indian woman (we did not get the nasty Parsee lady next door). The questions were more than I what I was expecting. They were easy though: Where do you work? Who is petioning for you? When did you start working there, Mother\'s name, Father\'name, Current H1 approval notice - took a copy (later returned with Passport), how many times married etc. Think the questions are designed to verify the info you are submitting on the form. Asked to sign a form that states that if you lose your job before you proceed to US, then you must inform the nearest US consulate. Total time about 15 minutes

Asked to wait. Called again at about 11.30 AM. Now the interviwer was an American gentleman with another Indian lady. Asked to take an Oath. Questions: What do you do? Who do you work for? Where is it located? Done. Asked to pay the fees. Total time 1 minute.

By the way I noticed that they have info online about you. The american officer kept looking at the computer screen and scrolling up and down. So if your case is complicated be prepared that they might have lot more info on you then what meets the eye.

Asked to wait and collect the passports in an hour. Only one person has to wait with the fee receipt. Maybe these guys wanted to get out early becuase of Christmas weekend. Got the passports at 12.30 PM. With the passport you get a packet with Immigrant Visa attached to it. It has your basic info (name, DOB etc) and your photo pasted on it. Make sure the info is correct. By the way Occupation stated on that visa form may not be your exact occupation. It is very generic so don\'t be worried. For example if you are Soft. Engr. it will be stated as "MCS Mathmatical/Comp Scst.) I think all computer professionals get this occupation stamped.

Overall: The whole process is very mechanical. People worry uneccassarily. Think if docs are in order and you are well prepared everything else will take care of itself.

Good Luck to all on this forum. This has been a great forum
Not a big line becuase everybody is asked to arrive 15 minutes before the interview time

As about I140 - I140 approved in August, NVC send Packet 3 in first week of October, I sent the packet by Oct. 12. Got December interview.

Total time for GC: 12 months. I140 took about 8 months otherwise I could have been done in maybe 7 months or so.
Congratulations VSCwait

Thanks for saring the detailed info.
It definitely helps, especially ur tip about our records being maintained in the system.
Thanks and Have Fun :)