Dec 2001 Recount Who all are remaining?


Registered Users (C)
My dates:

RD: 12/26/2001
ND: 01/10/2002
FP1: 03/2002
RFE: 06/2003
RFE Recd: 09/03
FP2: 10/25/03 (SCHEDULED 11/05/03)

AD: ?? ?? ??
Did any of you attempt to do scan similar to sbctsublc ? I do think that will give a better picture if there are too many still waiting in Dec
Number is less!!

Compared to last count. Maybe a lot of December people got approved. Anyone know if Dengdeng and Vinodgre got approved??
RD 12/20/2001 Not approved yet

Hi guys,

My spouse is not approved yet. I was approved 6 months back with the same rd. Her details:

RD 12/20/2001
ND 01/04/2002
FP1 05/1/2003
FP2 11/7/2003

I am still here... I guess many more are yet to be approved! It's just that they hate to be a part of such counts (me too... I skipped the last recount!)
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Im from Nov'01 but have u guys tried to contact any Senator. Who knows, it might help you to some extent. I faxed all my details to our local senator and they will contact Vermont very soon regarding my case.
Vidongre: I am very sorry to see you here. Oh well...

Sam: I contacted the local Congresswoman. After 8-9 phone calls and an office visit, I was told that my case is under process and to contact after 03/31

So, no advantage basically.
Loosing Hope

Hey Guys,

I'm loosing hope of this US GC when I see 2002 approvals.. Looks like days are comming close for me to move to canada.
