Dec 2001 approval in Rupnet

this is encouraging. at least they are looking

into Dec cases. Not everybody posts on the site so there may be other more to follow later.
Its encouraging...

but still leaves the question regarding the logic used for processing cases. With an official process date of 8/1/2001 why would they be looking at Dec cases when there are a bunch of people with RD's of August, Sept, Oct and Nov waiting? I am obviously stating a rhetorical question for which I know there are no answers. I wish they had a tour of the Nebraska INS offices to let people get "better acquainted" with the highly efficient and modern fuzzy logic procedures being followed. I would certainly take a vacation and pay serious $$ to attend it!!
DPIL belongs to EB2 category. I think BCIS started processing EB2 cases for DEC. Hoping to see some Dec EB3 cases approved soon.
makes no difference...

at the I-485 stage, there is no preference based on category, and EB-1, EB-2 and EB-3 are all treated the same. as far as i know, the only cases which get expedited are the so-called "age out" cases, where a derivative applicant is about to reach the age of 21.

so unless DPIL has a 20+ year-old offspring, it could simply be NSC has reached the load factor in Nov cases, and has starting touching Dec cases. because of the recent AVM/online problems, the data for Nov is not accurately reflected on rupnet.

or it could be just a freak case. one swallow does not a spring make... we will have to wait for more Dec RD approvals or RFEs before reaching any conclusions.