Dec 00


heard from AVM Friday night. approved for me, spouse and daughter
on 11/8/01. Dec guys, your turn will come soon. Good luck for your all.
Question for ivy2000

Are you EB2 or EB3....

I think EB3\'s are approved after the EB2\'s and I\'m an EB3 so still waiting...

I am EB3. I heard that it does not matter what you are after you file your I-485.
Finally Approved.

guys, hang on there. My & wife + kids case was approved on Nov 8th. I was tired of calling every day & hearing the same crap message so I didn\'t call for for a week. Yesterday I called & got the magic words.
PD 12/99
RD 12/06/2000
ND 12/20/2000
AD 11/08/2001
EB2 India RIR
No RFE, changed job after 6 months but did not inform INS, changed address 2 times with INS.
Good luck to all of you & Thanks for sharing very usefull info.
No Title

Based on the recent approval pattern looks like we will be approved when closer to our ND Date. What do you guys think ?
I hope so.....

But don\'t bet it on it. Only luck matters buddy. I am praying the god to give courage to face this unbearable and most frustrated situation.
Approvals closer to NDs??

A lot of people seem to be getting approved much earlier than their as usual the INS approval strategy makes no sense at all!!