Dear Approved 6ers, Let\'s Get Together For Plastic Card Tracking !

Hi GBMGC, please add my details to your tracker.

485 Approved on 03/19/02
Passport Stamp date : 3/29/02
INS : Federal Plaza, NY
Shall keep you posted when the card is ordered and recieved.
thanks for the good cause.
Please add my information

Thanks for your work, it will keep us together.
Name: moose lin ; PSD (Passport Stamp Date): 3/28/02; NSO:
Newark, NJ; COD: ?; CRD: ?
Any 6 ers who got FP done in march or Feb and is approved

Please any of the 6 ers who got FP done in last two months please responds.

Change in Social Security Status - After Stamping

Hi Guys,

Anyone of you have gone to Social Security office to change your status? Currently we have (most of us) H1 status with Social Security and our card has a stamp on that "eligible to work with VISA". We need to change that to immigrant status.

My stamping is done on 4/3/02. I was told it would take 8 to 10 months to get my plastic card. How true is it? Appreciate your response, Thanks
Go after 2 weeks or so

I went to SS office , right after my pasport was stamped. Unfortunately SS office system was not updated (They told us that their system should be updated, indicating the change in status). But still they kept my old SS card and send new card, that have stamp "Eligible to work with INS authorization".
         They advice me to contact SS office once I get the plastic card. They will then again issue me a new SS card with no stamp on it.
     My Advice- Go after 2 weeks or so by then system might have new info about status and you may get the SS card without any stamp.

Good Luck and Keep me posted


 My RD is June 12,
    ND Aug 8
    AD Mar 5
    PSD Mar 13, stamping at newark.
   Still waiting................