Dear all, I have maintained a separated I-485 FP and Approval Tracker myself.


Registered Users (C)
I think these information is more important. Now I would like to share them with you. I know p5nxp600 is maintaining the excellent Tracker:

But the many approvals are not there or not updated there. I hope p5nxp600 can upload my data to his tracker, but that will be time consuming.

Texaslucky\'s Tracker is not so good:

I hope Texaslucky can just upload my data and get rid of all his original data. It is better for us to have a small datasheet to track the approvals related to the Finger Print. This is just what I have done. I have spent lots of time to collect all the data, and I do not think I can continue this myself.

Good luck to everyone.
please focus on one tracker

seems like taken from Most users are the same as in, especially towards the end.

I think we need to focus on one tracker instead of floating around so many, it will not serve the purpose. I think P5NXP600 has an excellent tracker. By the time I entered my data there were not many entries (there were only 6 for 2002) for 2002. But since I have entered my data, I have campagned hard (even in other forums) for people to enter their data. And we have sesn the results, within 15 days, we have more than 30 entries foor 2002. If this pace continues, and we all focus on this tracker, and do agressive campaign, we will have an excellent tracker.

Let us all of us focus on one tracker.

Thank you
No Title

I believe approval trend in tracker can be easily obatained by clicking on AD( blue color) at the top.

The best feature about this tracker is that it is user-friendly and self sufficient. Nobody has to do anyhting extra and spend their precious time. Offcourse, we need to advertise about this tracker aggressively so that many people can participate. I think we all as user of this board should make it a point to direct all new users to enter their data or to remind all previous users to update their information. And I think most people do, if they are just reminded.

But offcourse, if some people do not update their information and they do post their information in the forum, someone can take charge to update that information in the tracker and I believe p5nxp600 is already doing that. All approval or FP notice not updated in the tracker but posted in the forum by the user themselves should be updated in the tracker by someone on a daily or weekly basis. I think it should be done daily or two-three day basis otherwise, after some time the data become too large to enter and may be forgotten. I will be happy to volunteer my time to do this for now.

Let us focus on increasing user participation in this tracker by all of us doing aggressive campaign on this and all other forum.

Yes, it is supposed to do exactly that without any effort.

However, it seems to have a bug right now, hopefully p5nxp600 can fix it.

Hi p5nxp600:

It seems the the filtering option is not working. When I tried to do what Gking was suggesting, it filtered according to ND and not AD. Looks like your default is set at ND and does not select AD even if a user specfies it. What I did was, I gave starting date 1/1/2002 and tried to filter with AD. This would have produced the results which Gking was suggesting. But instead of filtering with AD it filterd with ND. Can you fix this?

Its really me


I deleted my Temp internet files from IE and got logged out. Anyhow, can\'t seem to get my pwd from this board sent to me so I created a second ID.

Anyway, the bug that sg94ahpw pointed out has been fixed (been a couple hours now actually).

If you guys have any questions or items you would like to discuss please feel free to email me at If you have AOL IM, MSN IM or Yahoo IM, I am on all of these and can walk you through what you need.

Just one thing GKing, when I first decided to create this site I considered doing what Myladoor did that is browse the various sites and input the data myself. However, due to the fact that people register different login IDs on different boards I did not want to do this. If someone emails me their info and ID on my site I will update it. Otherwise at this time I am not taking information of the boards and updating it.

There was a suggestion to give a select few people the ability to modify other users info. I am amicable to doing that but only to a will give this functionality to one or two people to reduce the chance for abuse.

And what sg94ahpw said is true, you can filter by all the different dates and even EB category. I am not planning on removing any records but by applying the filter if you don\'t want to see certain records you don\'t have to. This is exactly why I had developed this functionality, for people to only see those records they wanted to without me having to maintain the DB.

Give me a shout on email so we can discuss further. I\'d like to take tracker issues off the board and to emails so we don\'t clog up the board with these discussions.