Data Consolidation Project February Thread


Registered Users (C)
Data Consolidation Project (Thread #8)

These are Instructions to run the macro for the 1st Time to scan a New SRC Range

1> Download the attached Excel file.

2> Open this file and check if there is a Worksheet with the name
of the dates you want to check.
for eg - if you are searching for SRC01-170, look for a
Worksheet with the name SRC01-170.
If you find one, simply rename it to maintain that data in case
needed in the future.
Then, run the macro.

3> Before you run the macro check the security level of your Excel
Security Level tab is found at (Tools menu, Macro
submenu, Security command
The level cannot be at High, it should be changed to Medium
or Low
Now you are ready to run the macro.

4> To run the macro you have to go to the menu at the top of the
screen and look for Tools,
then look for the submenu Macro and then Macros.
It will pop up a box titled Macro.
You can see 4 Macros listed (I485Scan, MakeChart, MultiScan & Sort485).
Select I485Scan[\B] and hit the Run button at the
Another box will pop up titled Excel.
There, you have to enter the first five digits corresponding to
the SRC range you want
to check.
for eg - 01-001 and press OK.
Another box will pup up and enter the range of the last five
digits to check.
Start from 50000 to 51000 and go all the way to 56000.
Note - at a time, you can only scan for 1000 cases from the
same IP address before
'We are sorry' message. After that you have to change
your IP or wait for 24 hours
before you can scan again.
Important Note - When you try to scan more than
3 invalid SRCs, you get blocked as well.
So be wise in choosing the right range of SRC numbers.

5> The macro will run and will show the results found.
It will create a excel sheet with SRC and write down only the
485 cases.

6> If you want, you can also run the second macro (MakeChart)
to obtain a summary and chart of the results gathered.

7> After your 1st run is complete, for next set of 1000 nos,
rename the excel sheet by clicking on the excel tab. Then
repeat step 4>.
After this scan is over combine the 2 results.
Repeat this until you have exhausted finding the date range
or you feel exhausted..

And don't forget to post your results here or add to the consolidated file.
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These are Instructions to rescan multiple sheets

1> Download the attached Zipped file & Unzip it to a Excel file.

2> Before you run the macro check the security level of your Excel
Security Level tab is found at (Tools menu, Macro
submenu, Security command).
The level cannot be at High, it should be changed to Medium
or Low.
Now you are ready to run the macro.

3> To run the macro you have to go to the menu at the top of the
screen and look for Tools,
then look for the submenu Macro and then Macros.
It will pop up a box titled Macro.
You can see 4 Macros listed (I485Scan, MakeChart, MultiScan & Sort485).
Select MultiScan and hit the Run button at the
Another box will pop up titled Excel.

After that it is very easy, give the range of sheets to be scanned in the following format YYDDD-YYDDD.

4> The macro will suspend calculations to the summary sheet, do the scan until it reaches a count of 990 and then stop, calculate the summary sheet.

5> Rename the file to the next version number and then zip and post the file here.
simple statistics

From the consolidated data file;
for calendar year (Jan. to Dec.)
2002 averaged 557 approvals per month
2003 averaged 155 approvals per month

for Jan. 2004 there were 463 approvals

Re: 04/18/02 -- Scan Results

Originally posted by GCcare
Scanned from 53000 - 54000

GCCare, if you see the consolidated file , we already had data for
SRC02-151 , scanned upto 55250. You could either scan after that ( if there are any more SRCs to be found) or scan around that period for new date ( SRC02-150 or SRC 02-152).
ver 135

I have continued scanning till SRC03-075.
Next person please take it from SRC03-077.

+ RR_67's data for SRC02-003
+ SRC01-230
+ more data for SRC01-262
+ updated the Members sheet.

487 approvals so far for Jan 04.
Approvals are even for some SRCs of OCt 02.
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no approvals in the range I just multiscanned, so I did not change the version number. (that should be good news for most of us who filed before that.) but quite a few FP's.

next person, please take it from 03-090.
ver 137

Good morning All,
I have completed scanning all the way to SRC03-172.
Now we can once concentrate on scanning new dates & re-scans
from the 2nd half of 2001.

Jan 04 approvals are at 493.
feb approvals are at 171.
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Feb upto 189

Rescanned Nov 01 and Dec 01 and a few days in Jan 02. Feb approvals upto 189.
next person, please try to add the attached june 2001 scans to the consolidated spreadsheet. when i tried to version 138 as a different name, it always generates an error message.
Awesome patiencelessTX

Originally posted by patiencelessTX
next person, please try to add the attached june 2001 scans to the consolidated spreadsheet. when i tried to version 138 as a different name, it always generates an error message.

patiencelessTX , I have added your june 2001 sheets.
Please check if I have added all. You rock, maan.
Approval count is at 500+ for Jan 04 and at 200+ for Feb.

I have changed the 1st graph's axis from 500 to 1000..
(TSC, let's hit 1000 for Feb).
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Apr17-2002 scan results.

attached SRC02150-50000-51xxxx results. Please update your consolidated list.
feb is going good

this speed it might out do our best month jan 2004..what are you guys prediction on approval for 2002 guys
sorry guys, the zipped is still too big for uploading.

goastros, what do you think? shall we remove some?
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I had to remove 01-001 and a few june 01 empty sheets to keep it below 1000 kB. Time to split the files?

Goastros, your call, man.

269 for Feb
Feb went upto 269 thats great.....
I am planing to rescan some more please wait until i post the
version 141.
