Dallas Regional DOL Tracker


Yes I believe my case is there. I am not sure because my employer has not yet provided me with case number, but based on salary and filing dates I think I am close to the application.
It says "Reduction in Recruitment denied" and last event date is 7/2003.
But confusing why Enterject will send a letter.
Any one else receive any DOL kickback letter. Only person getting kicked here seems to be me :rolleyes: . 12 years in this country (4yrs BS , 2 Yrs MS, 1 yr OPT, and 5 yrs on H1) and still no GC :(
Thank God for my Canada PR for atleast some sense of security.
texancanadian said:
Yes I believe my case is there. I am not sure because my employer has not yet provided me with case number, but based on salary and filing dates I think I am close to the application.
It says "Reduction in Recruitment denied" and last event date is 7/2003.
But confusing why Enterject will send a letter.
Any one else receive any DOL kickback letter. Only person getting kicked here seems to be me :rolleyes: . 12 years in this country (4yrs BS , 2 Yrs MS, 1 yr OPT, and 5 yrs on H1) and still no GC :(
Thank God for my Canada PR for atleast some sense of security.

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has outsourced permanent labor certification files to a contractor, Enterject, Inc., (Enterject) Austin, Texas.

TWC so far has transferred regular labor certification cases filed on and after April 27, 2001, RIR labor certification cases filed on and after October 01, 2003, and Special Handling labor certification cases filed on and after October 01, 2003.

Enterject is initially contacting all employers to check if the employees still want to continue with the case. The new contract process is called “Labor Trax”. After gathering initial information, Enterject will start working on the cases in chronological order. The RIR and Special Handling cases will most probably have a separate processing time from the basic cases. Enterject is operating with 16 employees working Monday to Friday 8 AM to 8 PM. There is a tremendous amount of backlog of cases at TWC presently.

After processing, Enterject will send the cases to DOL Region IV office in Dallas for further processing.
Any estimate on when they will be done

So is Enterject using FIFO method. ie ppl with the earliest priority date go out first ? Do you have any idea when they will complete the backlog ?

I think my case was approved by TWC, sent over to Dallas and Dallas kicked it back to TWC and thats why its called kickback - basically playing soccer with the file.

How does this Enterject thing work along with the state labor elimination policy. So our files for 2001 and back will still need to clear state and federal and wait in line, whereas new ppl filing in 2004 will only go through federal ???? That seems so unfair.

Looks like by the time state and fed labor is done , then I140 and I485 we will be in 10 or 11th yr of H1 :) especially with priority dates in empl category regressing.
Thanks for the info
Why was your case denied, texancanadian

texancanadian said:
Yes I believe my case is there. I am not sure because my employer has not yet provided me with case number, but based on salary and filing dates I think I am close to the application.
It says "Reduction in Recruitment denied" and last event date is 7/2003.
But confusing why Enterject will send a letter.
Any one else receive any DOL kickback letter. Only person getting kicked here seems to be me :rolleyes: . 12 years in this country (4yrs BS , 2 Yrs MS, 1 yr OPT, and 5 yrs on H1) and still no GC :(
Thank God for my Canada PR for atleast some sense of security.

Did you talk to your lawyer about, "Why was your case denied". If everything was alright, and it was a DOL mistake, then you can probably send them a letter to reconsider the case.
1, Few questions -
a) Was your wage higher than prevailing wage for youe position ? If yes then how high was it (I think this also matters)
b) Did you fulfill all the conditions of advertisement and other things ?
They said there were some layoffs in the industry.

Prevailing wage at the time of filing was slightly lower by about 2 K. Say if prevailing wage was 46 K, I was paid 44 K. My current wages are much higher - 56K, but not sure if that will matter.
Lawyer said that DOL refused saying that they are layoffs in the industry (mind you not my company itself but industry). Lawyer had written multiple letters back to DOL proving that company had no layoffs and industry wasnt either but only response was silence.
My lawyer informed me that he has got the so called 45 days letter from dallas backlog center. today. It asks him to provide the documents obout the employers business existence.
I just wanted to update.
Question - Letter Received


Could you please let us know when was your case filed (Month and Year). Also are you referring to TWC for State Labor or Federal Labor.

Denver Region cases went to Dallas DOL

Hi Folks Happy New Year,

Did any one has updates on RIR cases went to Dallas instaed of Denver region?? Please share it. I was applied to North Dakota state for LC. But after that it went to Dallas region insted of Denver for aproval.

If any one in this situation got letters from Dallas BEC, please share your situation. Which will help others to guess something is happening.

Highly appreciate your response!
My PD with the Dallas Regional Labor Office is May, 2003. My company and the lawyer received the letter from the BRC on 01/06/2005 and the letter was dated 12/29/2004. My case was filed uder RIR and EB3 category for a Software Engineer postion.

Hope this helps.
Phone# to contact BEL

Hello All,

Does anyone of you know if there is an number to contact BEC and check with them if letters have been posted or not ?

Thanks and Regards,
Letter from BRC

Does any one know how much time it will take to clear LC after the BRC send a letter to the attorney ?

Latest(03/02/05): My attorney says it may take upto 24-30 months for them to finish all the pending applications in the Dallas Backlog Reduction center. So guys, if you are planning for some other option. go ahead. My first stage is going on for more than two yrs now and may take another two more yrs (Its an RIR EB2). 5 Yrs for Labor certification virtually makes GC is an unreachable thing in the Dallas office (Only in Dallas office). :mad:
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Extremely Urgent!

11/01/2005: Senate Judiciary Bill at the Brink of Collapse Unless Everybody Contacts Senators and Congressmen!!!

The full Senate failed to take a roll call for this bill today. Believe it or not, Senator Byrd intends to offer an amendment tomorrow (11/2/05) to remove the H-1B and immigrant visa retrogression provisions passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee from the Budget Reconciliation Package.

Please call your Senators and urge a "NO vote on the Bird Amendment Immediately!!"
CALL THE CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD: 202-224-3121 OR GET DIRECT LINES BY CLICKING HERE: http://capwiz.com/aila2/home/

Everyone should call tonight. I mean EVERYONE. Call your friends and relatives and ask them to participate in this urgent campaign and call their Senators tonight. Call or send e-mails to your immigrant friends and alert them IMMEDIATELY! Ask them to call or send e-mails to everyone they know and ask them to call the Senators tonight. TIME IS OF ESSENCE.

Source: http://www.immigration-law.com/
I have just received my 45 day letter from the Dallas BEC (02/01/2006). My original petition date with TWC was May 2003. Hope this helps.
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new entry

this is another long wait labor candidate from Texas. My Papers are with BEC (dallas) original filing in July 2002, moved from state to regional in mar 2003...
sent to BEC in 2005 (mid) and waiting since then.
DBEC, Appeal to Labor Certification denied in Michigan. Please help!

I have seen little progress in my employer’s GC application.

Has anyone seen their Labor Certification denied and an appeal submitted? My case dates back to April 2001, and it is now in DBEC. I do not know how DBEC are handling appeals: FIFO, after first time reviews, etc.

To make the case more interesting my employee is eliminating professional jobs. Does anyone have experience with Labor Certification when employee is down sizing? Will approval to proceed with recruiting be denied?

I will be extremely grateful to any input.

Case Type: Regular (Non RIR)
1) April 19, 2001 = Priority Date in Michigan
2) May 2004 = Reviewed and rejected by Michigan Department of Career Development (Labor Department)
3) July 2004 Employer appeals job description and discrepancy with minimum prevailing wage
4) Dec 28, 2004 = Appeal moved to Dallas Elimination Backlog Center DBEC
5) Unknown Date = 45 day letter received & replied
March 2006 Renew 7th H1-B Visa in Toronto-Canada
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Hi ,

Thought I'll post here my query:


Well, my labor has been applied on Non-RIR, EB2 category during April 2004 with State of Ohio - Dept of Labor. Then we recd the case number and receipt of the same by May 2004. My employer was told last month that my labor certification case has been moved to Dallas backlog center. Is there a way I can check online the status of my labor certification?

M G Riaz Ahamed
Labor from Dallas backlog center

I have filed my GC through my company on APR 2004 which is currently in Dallas Backlog center. I have not received 45 days letter and how can I find where my case is or what date is being processed at dallas.