Dallas BEC tracking : Texas cases only

texancanadian said:

So has anyone from TWC/Enterject received 45 days letter yet ?

Does anyone have any clue on wether the files from TWC have infact been shipped over to Dallas BEC or not ? Has anyone or their lawyers tried to call TWC ?

Forget about approval for now Ill just be happy knowing where exactly my file is ? Had enpough of this ":passing the file" between TWC, DOL, and Enterject.

My attorney recieved the 45day letter from Dallas Backlog processing center today (04/26/2006). I filed the application on 6th Oct' 2003 from California. Hopefully they process the application quickly as I can wait no more. Its strange that illegals get the citizenship while legal aliens struggle to to clear the first stage of green card processing.
support.gc said:


They say they are not aware of this issue, I would reccommend to use 10 minutes of your time to send email to below persons. Maybe something will come good out of this.

Instead of being silent readers and venting your frustration out in this forum and watching movies and drinking beer just write a letter....

I got two responses from two news channels, all they are saying they will do the research and they are not aware of this situtation DOL has created. But they want more real stories from different people...


To: belluck@nytimes.com; sundays@cbsnews.com; 48hours@cbsnews.com; jonathan.wald@nbc.com; comments@fareedzakaria.com; jabenn@nytimes.com; abc.news.magazines@abc.com; 2020@abc.com; thisweek@abc.com; Dateline@NBC.com; WT@nbc.com; MTP@NBC.com; nightly@nbc.com; today@nbc.com; viewerservices@msnbc.com; msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com; abramsreport@msnbc.com; countdown@msnbc.com; hardball@msnbc.com; Connected@MSNBC.com; Imus@msnbc.com; allenh@washpost.com; allenm@washpost.com; aranam@washpost.com; argetsinger@washpost.com; rajiv@washpost.com; cheaterry@washpost.com; cohnd@washpost.com; coopermana@washpost.com; apcar@nytimes.com; peappl@nytimes.com; randya@nytimes.com; barbanel@nytimes.com; dabarry@nytimes.com; barstow@nytimes.com; goldbehr@nytimes.com; brian_hill@metronetworks.com; sheberer@pbs.org; ftn@cbsnews.com; betsy.fischer@nbc.com; plorris@univision.net; abenitez@univision.net; steve.majors@nbc.com; mcurtis@njn.org; stu.schutzman@abc.com; muriel.pearson@abc.com; dij@cbsnews.com; lisa.hsia@nbc.com; mail@uttm.com; pjh@cbsnews.com; browne@foxnews.com; pls@cbsnews.com; gmartin@express-news.net; opinionjournal@wsj.com; mossberg@wsj.com; geoffrey.fowler@wsj.com; clemons@newamerica.net; lakshmipathy@newamerica.net; white@newamerica.net; friedman@newamerica.net; menon@newamerica.net; letters@nypost.com; letters@washpost.com; wsj.ltrs@wsj.com; Joseph, Gar; Laker, Barbara; nschwartz@fortunemail.com; publisher@forbes.com


Post the email address of the news channel u mention. I'm waiting for 3yrs on my labor certification to clear and still it has not happened. I guess I would get the citizenship quick if I go Cancun on a vacation and on my way back jump the border fense and enter illegally. That would save me big $$$$ attorney fee and the wait.
Calling all pending Texas (Enterject) Filers


Any news / updates regarding your cases ? I am a fellow victim: PD Feb 2004 RIR, EB3. No 45 day letter.

Kindly let me know.

Nothing here. Asked the attorneys to send a request for screenshot. They wont do it unless I need it for H1 renewal.
Screenshots will not help. They are not providing them anyway if you request the second time.

Have you all thought about seeking congressional help. Your local Congressmen / Senator. It appears to have worked in some cases...
vfast said:
I think Employer only have the access to website for getting case status..

I do not think that the employer has access to the website to view the case status for LC. The only way to get the status when applying for the extension of the H1B visa. That can be done only through your attorney as the BECs very seldom reply to personal queries.
Hi Kupondole,

When did you get your Case # .. before getting 45 day letter or along with 45 day letter
vfast said:
Hi Kupondole,

When did you get your Case # .. before getting 45 day letter or along with 45 day letter

Before getting the 45 DL, my lawyer sent a request for the status for the 7th year extension.
Hi Kupondole,

Thanks.... can you please share the first 2 digits of your case... mine is D-05220-88XXX....

Wanted to let you know of another scary scenario happening at Dallas BEC. One of my colleague's case was closed a few days ago (PD Aug 04). According to the case closure letter received by us they had send out a 45 day letter and since it was not responded to in time they closed it.

My attorney's office did not receive anything at all from DOL. My attorney researched it further with DOL and found out that for several of his cases including the closed one BEC did not have the "attorney of record" on the files even though he had sent the G-28 forms long ago to them. This means that BEC is screwing it up in another fashion now by not recording the attorney who represents.

My case was one of them (without attorney of record). Luckily it is still active and they have not generated any 45 day letter. So, make sure that your attorney finds out through whatever resource he/she has to confirm if your case is still active.

Re-opening a closed case is taking an average of 6 months time and it gets into another black hole...
First post here

Hi Folks,

This is my first post here. As my signature proclaims, I have applied from Texas and am stuck in DBEC.