CVs of the letter writers


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Hi, guys, do you attach the CVs of the writers for your recommendation letters? I didn't ask for them because I didn't want to make my package super-thick. I didn't beleive their CV are that important either since the letters all contain their major shining points. But now I just saw many places making a big deal about it and start to get a little bit nervous. You know, just those things, especially at the end of finishing up everything.
I did not do that... As you say, the letters are supposed to have a paragraph giving the achievements of their author. Adding their CVs is just making the file thicker and points the reader to the fact that the letters are not self-explanatory!

By the way, in the memo supporting your application, it is very easy to have a few words describing the author of the letter when you reference to it for a given point. As Dr xxx, the leader of the research in the field, a distinguished yyy at zzz lab, writes in his reference letter (Exhibit **), blah blah Just makes the reader's life easier by already knowing who the referee is when reading the letter itself.
