Current status


Registered Users (C)
Current status dt march 19 2002 time 10=55 PST

Current Status of wac-01-260 to wac-01-269

83 approved....(72 percent)
 5 rfe.........(4 percent)
23 pending.....(23 percent)
115 total

current status of wac-01-270 to wac-01-279

11 approved.....(24 percent)
0 rfe..........(0 percent)
34 pending......(76 percent)

45 total
Keeps hopes sky high,

that our WAC 270-279 will get approvals soon, and my dearest wife and I will get our approvals. We are tired of playing this waiting game....
today\'s status as of March 21 time 9=00 am PST

the 260 - 269 series have 89 approvals out of 121 + 5 rfe

the 270 - 279 series have 14 approvals out of 47

the 280 - 289 series have 0 approvals out of 55

the 290 - 299 series have 4 approvals out of 59

I have a feeling that CSC is going by wac number

I have an axe to grind - my case no is wac-01-270

Daily you will find an update to this thread from me with the current status update.

Please tune in regularly
