Curiousity about Other MARRIED couples applying

I'm so jealous! I bet you have some amazing photos and stories! I've been to the US and Canada. I hope to one day travel elsewhere as well!
My wife is the USC, she came to the US when she was 9 from Kiev, former USSR, now Ukraine.
I'm Italian from Milan.
We live in Manhattan.
I am from Canada (Ontario) and my wife is from Texas (USC) - we live in Tennessee. We like the south, but miss the live hockey! :D
I am from Canada (Ontario) and my wife is from Texas (USC) - we live in Tennessee. We like the south, but miss the live hockey! :D

I couldn't live without my hockey! I was practically raised in rinks and my husband as well. It was the first thing we had in common that made us become "us" and not just friends LOL :D

Where in Ontario are you from TNguy?
After I took my wife to her first live hockey game, she was hooked! You'd think she was Canadian! LOL

Everytime my (step) son, who is 3 sees a sport on TV, he calls it hockey!

I'm from the Hamilton area originally, and also spent 9 years in MI before I move to TN.
LOL, Hockey is amazing!

My husband was born in Hamilton, but been in the Windsor area most of his life.

Where in MI were you living?
My hubby is a USC, I'm from the Philippines now currently living in Baltimore, MD :) Ninyte, we're in the same area, prolly less than 30 miles of each other. ;)
My husband is the USC
We live in Los Angeles, CA
He was born and raised in No. CA, living in So. CA since '87
I am Asian but I grew up in L.A. been here since '88
Well those of you who know the term Trini will know I from the West Indies of Trinidad and Tobago. But I was born in Trinidad 1973. My husband was born and rasied in Las Vegas Nevada (1971)where we meet 1998. I love this thread, I w Suprising to see where you were born from your screen names I would totally get it wrong. I give this thread site 5 of 5 stars
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Well those of you who know the term Trini will know I from the West Indies of Trinidad and Tobago. But I was born in Trinidad 1973. My husband was born and rasied in Las Vegas Nevada (1971)where we meet 1997. I love this thread, I was so wrong. Supressing to see where you were born from your screen names I would totally get it wrong. I give this thread site 5 of 5 stars

Really? You wouldn't have guessed? LOL