CSC workers shred documents to "clear backlog"

Is there any way to sue INS for this irresponsibile crime? What is the extent of damage? Whether anybody know how to check whether our files are destroyed or not? How will the lawers check the same? I always got a doubt that somebody is destroying documents at CSC particularly approved APs. I will not be surprised if they set fire to the entire building to escape from the backlog.
Calm down, these are old news

These are old news. It happened months ago. They are just saying now that a couple of guys got indicted for what happened. This got enough publicity when it happened.

How old was this incident? Do we need to worry for any delay in our applications? How to make clear that the delay is not connected to those destroyed documents?
Well at least I am hearing this for the first time.
And we filed our 485s more than just "months ago"

What if the REAL reason of the current CSC delay is that our documents have been shreded???????

Guys, now we have a REASON to call IIOs and send tons of FAX inquiries with the requests like: "Dear Sir or Madam, my WAC is bla-bla-bla, could you verify if my I-485 application has been shreded..."

:D :D :D :D :D
According to the article itself the destruction came to an end on April 4, 2002 (I'm adding the 2002 because I remember it was last year). At the time the IIOs were put to work extra hours to handle the many calls from concerned people like you. I myself called during that time to make sure they had not destroyed my I-89 application for plastic GC, which had not been destroyed. Anyway, if you applied after april 4, 2002 you should not worry.

I am not sure if they contacted everyone affected, but I believed they were supposed to. Anyway, with such long time you should not have received FP notices or AP or EAD or something, it's a bunch of months. I think you should not worry. Now everything is slow for whatever other security or political reasons. That's my opinion.

PS: I think the LA times had some long articles about this. I don't know if they are searchable on their website archive. I would try a search in google with INS shredding documents and perhaps some narrowing keyword like niguel or contractor.

PS2: I got this from a pasted LA times article doing my google search.
"We are taking this matter very, very seriously," said Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for the INS regional headquarters. "The kind of work that's being done at this service center certainly affects tens of thousands of people." The INS is also planning to ask some applicants whose paperwork may have vanished to send another set of documents. The agency said it will work with attorneys and immigrant advocates to help reconstruct people's files if necessary."
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thanks for all the info and links huracan.

like stain.....this was the first i had heard of it.

what you say makes sense about most people should not be affected now, i had assumed as much as well, that's why i referenced in my post those that have been waiting a loooooong time, because I CERTAINLY DON'T TRUST CSC/INS TO HAVE FOLLOWED UP WITH ALL THE AFFECTED PARTIES, if I had the slightest doubt, I would verify and not accept what they say.

(and in my not so humble opinion, i think anyone who believes what csc/ins say has rocks in their)
My response on this topic in some other thread:

The shredding took place in Jan-Apr of 2002 and we know that INS opened hotlines (extended hours customer service from 7-00am to 7:00pm) to deal witht his problem at that point of time. INS said they will see that offcials responsible for this problem will be punished and see that this kind of problem will not occur again. Now these latest articles from news media are probably because this case is in court and talking about what is going on in this case now...

The essence of the story is, If you sent your application to CSC for any immigration benifit in the months of Jan-Apr 2002 and if you didn't receive any receipt so far then you should contact INS to find out if they have your case in their system or not. If you got any response from CSC that means you are fine (e.g. receipts, AP/EAD approvals, FPs, RFEs etc.)

- PCee