CSC petition

INS best friend

Registered Users (C)

I posted a message in a thread few days (before TSC petition, which I signed already) ago asking how we can start petition like this for CSC. Nobody answerd. I guess it went unnoticed. So I decided to start the thread to discuss the matter. I am convinced that INS/BCIS etc being goverment agency will never work efficently because the enviroment and contingent of people working there have always prevented good and hard work from happening at INS (and it probably is true at any gov. agency). I think we should keep reminding them about the work not being done, even small drops of water can brake a stone.

Best regards,

P.S. I guess I have to change my ID to BCIS best friend. ;-)
I totally agree that we should do this! It has taken a ridiculously long time for the processing. Come on everyone, let's take some initiative. I am sure if we all speak up, things will change. Could someone put a petition together? I'll definitely sign. :cool:
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:2)
Brilliant idea !!!

Why this idea didn't strike this forum before, i am wondering ...
This is such a novel idea ... I am absoultely awe struck ... This is bound to cause showering of approvals (as it is doing for Texas) !!


- life_on_hold

I totally agree with you, if you orginize a thread I know that everybody drop dop of water. We should definetely get some attention othervise lay on a winter sleep. what do you prefer???I rather dye as a lion than live like a rat...what about you out there???
Asked a guy at TSC to share the info with us


I asked a guy at TSC to share the info with us how to start the petition about abusive delays at CSC. I beg everybody to stop wowing and yelling but rather provide useful information and support in order to get ti done. I would appreciate anyone's help and probably someone may take a lead on that since everybody is busy with his/her work specially in nowdays. It looks like guys from TSC collected 120 signatures already and I think can get more due to CSC baing the busiest.

Best regards,

Here is PETITION for I-485 backlogs in Texas Service Center that can be used for CSC.


Dear Sir,

We wish to bring to your notice the backlog in I-485 at TSC. TSC is an year behind other service centers in I-485 approvals. In addition to this we have noticed a stoppage of approvals for 485 applications from the Texas Service Center (TSC). We have observed there have been no 485 approvals from Texas Service center for the past 3 months. Even considering that TPS (Special work permit cases for El Salvador applicants) are being given priority, we have seen quite a few 485 approvals coming from Nebraska, Vermont and California service centers. It has only been the Texas Service Center that has virtually stopped all 485 approvals.

This has caused many problems for not only applicants waiting for their adjustment of status, but also for the TSC in taking additional workloads and delaying an increasing number of cases. Applicants have been forced to extend their EAD (Employment Authorization document, one year duration) and AP (Advanced parole, one year duration) multiple times. In addition, the fingerprinting required of applicants are valid for only fifteen months, so many applicants have had to do fingerprints for the second and third times. (TSC has had to reassign its internal source to review and approve those second or third time applications of EAD, AP, and fingerprint). All of this is going to cause additional cases to become backlogged. If TSC had reviewed and approved I-485s in a timely manner, it would not have become necessary to redo those EAD, AP, and fingerprint jobs again. Now, it appears there are no signs of any approvals at all from TSC. Consequently, it can be expected that more and more applicants will have to do their EADs, APs, and Fingerprints for the second and third time, while others will have to wait longer than usual for their first EADs, APs and fingerprints.

We have sent many letters and faxes to the TSC Director about this problem with no apparent effect. Probably, our requests didn’t reach the person who could escalate the problem to the higher officials. Everyday, many people are calling the INS (after waiting for more than a year) and being told by the Immigration Information Officers that it is the TPS cases that are causing the delay. The Texas Service Center is apparently unaware of this problem.

A possible solution might be to reassign the cases pending for more than the usual time frames to Nebraska, Vermont and California Service centers, thereby reducing some of the backlog at the Texas Service center. This will benefit not only the applicants but the service center itself in getting rid of a lot of backlogs and start adjudicating cases in a speedy manner.

******************* End of Petition ***************************

How do we keep this post on the first pace of the forum everyday so everbody will notice?
Some inof on the subject

Hi guys,

I send email to operations and hope we will get sone resopnse back. We obviously had never recieved response from TSC guys I sent message to.

Please, find the message below. I would suggest everybody to try to find out how we can start the thing instead of yealing and wowing. I want say thank you to kartal who submitted TSC petition at least people can understand what we are talking about.

Best regards


I as many other signed TSC petition a week ago. Many people in CSC want to do the same thing with the fact that CSC is not more robust than TSC. Would you, please, advise how we can start the petition (I guess the same way as TSC' one). Any help is appreciated and can you, please, send response either to me or, which is better, to thread in "485 Issues in California Service Center" directory.

Best regards,
I have another suggestion.

People who have good contacts with your employers, ask your employers to write to INS/BCIS/President/Senators/Whoeverthefuck.

For example, if you work at MS, get all the MS immigrant community rounded up, and have bill gates write such a letter, escalate this request thru your company HR, to your company president, tell them that you feel that the sorry state of affairs needs a letter from you.

Also, when you escalate it, word it so that they see whats in it for THEM, versus whats in it for you.

I'll post this in the mains also.