CSC jumped 45 days in 19 days....???

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digdugxy said:
I understand many people are left out while late applicants got approvals. but it is more to blame the IIO your cased was assigned to, rather than the backlog reduction effort from CSC. It appears different chunks of files are allocated to different IIOs, somebody might get misplaced, or pending on some whoknows check, but the main stream is going to the right direction.

Mr. Digxy, Are you telling that 90% of the cases are either replaced or holding up on a name check ? You've got to be joking. You will know how it feels when JIT moves past your date, while yours is still pending. Can you guys not see they user "Security checks" as a trumpcard ?

I am not saying CSC is doing bad. Its pace is good. What Im saying is - keep up the pace but finish in an order. And you and everyone else knows why they have to touch cases filed later when earlier ones are pending - To move JIT date. They just want to show JIT to public/court/aila that they are reducing backlog. This needs to be brought to notice. It is total injustice.

Come on guys, if somebody crosses you on a very long line for some petty thing in life, you get upset, don't you think its fair for old timers to get upset about the GC processing thats been taking years ?
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The thing that ticks me off is that we are waiting, not because the law needs us to wait, but because service centeres are not staffed enough to handle the needs.

I totally agree that being allowed to live here is a privilege -- which we have gained by getting a visa, getting LC and paying taxes.

I can understand waiting if visa numbers were not available. But denying us the privilege we are entitled to, by short staffing the service center is inexcusable. Why doesn't the IRS have backlogs? After all, they service a lot more people than BCIS..

The bottom line is - the government is ignoring immigrant's plight because they have no voice.
This is complete bull$#%&

hokie_gc said:
I think we are too harsh sometimes on the USCIS. I agree that there are quite a few people waiting for approvals from early 2002, however, the CSC at least has made considerable inroads into approving cases at a much faster rate. The amount of checks and balances required for each case is a lot, so there is a real possibility that some cases take longer than others.

I don't like the waits any more than the next guy, but you know what, waiting a few months more for our approvals is anyday better than the USCIS doing a bad job of security checks and letting some unwanted elements slip through the cracks!

Lets give credit to the CIS and CSC in particular when its due.

What is your WAC number? I bet it's WAC03 or even WAC04. Have you waited for more than 28 months? It's like we are unlucky guys who got terminal illness, and we are thinking, "why me?" Then a healthy person, who never lost a family member to that illness, says to us "Hey, it's not that bad. Lighten up!"

This delay is particularly serious for us academics. Many Federal research grants have citizenship/permanent resident restrictions, and we cannot apply for them. Imagine an assistant professor, who has only five years until his/her tenure review, but four years are essentially taken away, because of the delay at the CSC. Our career is held back because of this.

We are here to educate America's future, because there are not enough Americans who get Ph.D.s and take up university faculty positions. However, this experience, particularly out-of-order approvals of WAC03 filers, severely tried my patience.

Do you expect me to be fair to my students?

I think the system, the way it has been for the past many years, is completely against someone like you, regardless of backlog or not. Based on my experience through Labor and I140, which involved average waits of about a year for each, in your case you would still have lost almost 3.5/4 years of your initial tenure to the GC wait. People like me who are working a regular job aren't going to be that affected cause most of us probably will keep the same job until we get the GC.

Do something to try and fix the system so people thinking of joining academics in the future don't have to go through what you had to. Talk to your Senator/Rep about how you think the system is unfair. If all we talk about is backlog reduction, nothing is going to happen to the system as a whole.

I am a WAC03, however, I have been waiting for more than 3 years for the whole process. It is frustrating but there isn't much we can do to make them adjudicate our individual cases. The CSC is going to do whatever gives them the biggest ROI, that is try and approve cases that are easy, cases where the fingerprints are about to expire where an approval would avoid unnecessary delays etc. In an ideal world they would just try and focus on FIFO but just like anything else it isn't ideal. They probably also have thousands of employees dealing with millions of cases. Just like your students, don't you think these employees are all going to work differently. Variability is inevitable. The good thing is that aside from the JIT movement, we have seen a huge increase in approvals even for people in the early 2002 timeframe. Lets give them credit for this.

I really do feel bad for your case Sumata, cause I know how important educators are to any country. They should be bending over backwards to invite researchers/professors to stay in this country. Who know, someday if the 90 day adjudicationfor I-140/I-485 becomes system-wide future users of this forum won't have these lengthy discussions about backlog reduction.

hokie_gc said:

People like me who are working a regular job aren't going to be that affected cause most of us probably will keep the same job until we get the GC.

I totally disagree. Probably you are not affected at all and are willing to wait for couple more years without any pain. Not all are like you. Everyone has a different life and is in a different stage of life and priorities change for each of them. But arguing with people on this forum is giving me negative energy. So, yes - Peace.
digdugxy said:
It appears you really lost patience, along with your decency. Get educated, this is no point to argue with you further.
Get educated? :) I am sure I could teach YOU some bits and pieces of immigration law! Funny that you take offense over a couple of words but end up not understanding my point of view in its entirety. And apparently when you can't answer some of the points raised you like to hide behind, "this is no point to argue with you further"

hokie_gc said:
Get used to taking bullshit buddy, cause nothing in life comes easy!!!!
If you don't like to listen to another opinion, maybe you should reconsider your decision about coming to a democracy where everyone has a right to be heard. There are several countries where dissent isn't tolerated and I am sure you will fit right in.
Enough childishness; until 140 got his pan^&# in a twist we were only having a civil exchange of opinion. Lets not lose our self-esteem over the wait. Let us at least be decent human beings through all this...
You are funny hokie_gc, :) Your concept of democracy is obviously a little different from the norm. Democracy DEFINITELY gives me the right to not listen to other people's opinion. :) It gives you the right to speak yes, but at the same time I have the right to NOT listen to you.

As far as fighting for reducing "backlogs" Vs. "immigration reform". I think both go hand in hand. If you have immigration reform, you will have backlog reduction, and in fighting for backlog reduction we are asking for a systematic reduction of backlogs using processes which can only lead to immigration reform.

Besides all this, I have personally met Congresspersons, organized meetings with them and their staff and participated and organized enough campaigns to have some idea of how the system works. It is funny, when people who seem to have woken up yesterday come forward and try to teach others who have been fighting in the trenches for over the past year on what we should be doing.

Personally I think both of you are barking up the wrong tree. We are not trying to beat INS down, all we are saying is things are wrong right now, and a few approvals over the board is not going to solve the problem. You need sustained approvals, with none of the bullshit about security checks etc. (A point which you have yet to answered by the way). And have to agree with Sumata's diagnosis of your attitude.

But that is me, and this my view. :) Feel free to believe whatever you want. And while I hope you get your approval soon, if you DON'T I would like to see what you have to say when you see 05 approvals before yours. I wonder if security checks will a good enough reason for you then. Or if you are put in a situation like Sfbay_area_guy's where you have absolutely no clue what is happening to your case, but you see lots of approvals, come up with, "Hey that is life, who said life is fair".
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140, you might know all the ins and outs of immigration law, that still does not make you educated. You definitely might be able to teach a lot of us about the subtle nuances of immigration policy in the US and maybe even in the world, but, you still have a lot to learn about simple civility. Even in the short time that I have been on this board you have had multiple "outbursts" with people who are simply stating their opinions, which happen to be different from yours.

A lot of us have been very active in immigration reform. I have been involved with a lot of political campaigns and informing a lot of potential candidates at every level of government about immigration issues and how immigrants are a vital part of this country. Yes, I am new to this forum, but I have by no means woken up yesterday.

No one here is arguing that the system is perfect and that nothing is wrong. Of course something is broken and that is why we are gathered here, but let us not just dwell on the negativity and appreciate the positive. I wish there was more accountability and transparency in the system that each of us would be constantly aware of what exactly is going on with our cases, but nothing to do with any government in the world is ever transparent.

We do need sustained approvals, but I for one don't want them to hold up the whole friggin backlog just to ensure that one application that has issues with whatever gets approved. Move on to another application that is easier to approve and until the problem on the other application gets resolved. This in itself will create uneven processing. Security threat analysis isn't trivial, as I mentioned earlier, and I don't think most including myself understand all the factors involved in this. In an ideal world they would be done in 3 days, but what if ones name or background raises a flag, what then?? Now you are dealing with issues from a whole different agency?

The sad thing in all this is that most of us have already been through multiple checks and balances through first maybe F1, then H1, then labor, I-140(the stage, not the person :)), why do we even need a 3 stage Green card process anyways, can't all this stuff be taken care of in one stage like Canada does??

There has to be a huge shift in how immigrants are 'Processed' in this country. Hope all the dialogues that we are having with the powers that be actually make a difference.

don't mean to offend anyone

But USCIS has clearly instilled unfairness in the process by issuing a memo
that cautions earlier applicants from withdrawing and utilizing the pilot program
that adjudicates within 90 days.

This has NOTHING to do with security checks etc.

I personally feel if at all they should categorize, ( again my own opinion )
they are better off categorizing according to EB-1, EB-1NIW, EB-2 etc.
( I thought that was what they were trying to do in the olden days of
priority date waits... )
I am not very familiar with the old days, but back then did the INS give priority to EB-1 or EB-1NIW cases even for the 485 process? I was under the assumption that once in 485, every case is considered the same and has been for a while now.

hokie_gc said:
I am not very familiar with the old days, but back then did the INS give priority to EB-1 or EB-1NIW cases even for the 485 process? I was under the assumption that once in 485, every case is considered the same and has been for a while now.


AFAIK preference was never given to EB1s, the only advantage was the EB1s did not require LC, nor subject to priority dates, so the overall time was shorter. I'm EB1, and I'm stuck in the queue everyone else.


WAC 02 253 xxxxx
RD: 08.08.02
FP2: 06.12.04
Tickled '04: 05.21/06.14/06.22/06.23/06.24
3rd EAD/AP pending

RD: 01.15.02
AD: 03.05.02

digdugxy said:
Now we can see what a despicable and miserable life you are living. :)
Obviously you need to audition for the role of Superman when they start casting for the movie, you seem to see a lot more things than normal people can.

Besides personal comments do you have any point worth making? Apparently not! You absolutely refuse to answer any opposing points instead come up with posts that not just don't contribute to the matter at hand, but are plainly ridiculous to boot. TGIF, your posts are a mere diversion instead of being an irritant. :)

hokie_gc said:
but, you still have a lot to learn about simple civility. Even in the short time that I have been on this board you have had multiple "outbursts" with people who are simply stating their opinions, which happen to be different from yours.

Thought this was a democracy? :) Apparently not! Besides, I don't think I posted any "outbursts" on this thread. You obviously dint like my interpretation of the backlog processing and have been snipping away at me, along with the pet poodle digdugxy, who obligingly barks on command. :)

hokie_gc said:
let us not just dwell on the negativity and appreciate the positive.

I do agree with you there, but I hate giving positive accolades over a situation that clearly does not call for them. INS has been screwing up time and time again, all I am doing is calling a spade a spade. I refuse to blow smoke up INS's ass and say "wow you finally did something you were supposed to do 2 years ago, so you are terrific". I am pretty confident that if INS did not process our cases today, we would have gotten them to process it via the lawsuit. So they are not doing us a favour by processing our cases. And just because they are not as bad as TSC or NSC, I am not going to cheer.

hokie_gc said:
but I for one don't want them to hold up the whole friggin backlog just to ensure that one application that has issues with whatever gets approved. Move on to another application that is easier to approve and until the problem on the other application gets resolved. This in itself will create uneven processing. Security threat analysis isn't trivial, as I mentioned earlier, and I don't think most including myself understand all the factors involved in this. In an ideal world they would be done in 3 days, but what if ones name or background raises a flag, what then?? Now you are dealing with issues from a whole different agency?
Don't get me wrong I am not asking INS to hold up processing for the cases to all come clean. But shouldn't the touch dates, RFE's, 2FP notices, reflect that your case has been touched or even looking at? Instead of doing that, INS just skips thousands of cases, and moves to the next pile. That is what I have a greviance with.

As far as analysing security threats is concerned. I agree, we don't know what is concerned. But are we to be penalized for it? Since the people are already in the country and a majority of them are NOT terrorists, should we all be made to pay for the acts of a few? Why not approve everyone pending security checks, if security checks fail then strip them of the greencard before prosecuting them. But atleast put the majority of us out of our misery.

hokie_gc said:
The sad thing in all this is that most of us have already been through multiple checks and balances through first maybe F1, then H1, then labor, I-140(the stage, not the person ), why do we even need a 3 stage Green card process anyways, can't all this stuff be taken care of in one stage like Canada does??
Now you are talking! :)
I am so darn happy that its friday! There a million things to worry about, but for one evening a week all I want to worry about is who is going to give me a ride home once I am sloshed!

Cheers folks! I do appreciate everyone's passion about doing something to better our situation here and not just sit around and hope that someone else will come and help us out.

Who knows, miracles could happen and come monday the backlog is a thing of the past!!! Its friday, forgive me for being a little positive :)

As long as we appreciate each other's differences we will become stronger, once we narrow our sight to only one point of view, our actions will be counter-productive.

Have a good weekend folks!


Closing this thread since apparently everything that needed to be said has been said and this thread is slowing drifting off topic. Do open another thread in case you have a genuine question.

Have a good weekend people! :)
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