CSC JIT as of 06/16/03

look at 140 time line dude!!!

if you observe 140 for EB2 things are at lightning speed ..i just dont understand this!
They are blocking out and rejecting labors or delaying new labor applications upto 2 years!
Approve 140s in 2-3 weeks!
Hold on to 485 for more than 2 years!!
Are the CSC guys nuts or what ??
why cant they transfer folks from 140 to 485 and expedite 485 applications?

dunno ....:confused:
Thats an interesting observation.
Well, this is a CALCULATED delay. I don't think we need to break our heads thinking about the logic.
Lack of labor approvals, reduces the back log for 140, hence increase the approval speed for the people who were lucky enough to get through labor or skip it.

Hopefully at some point the officers responsible for approving 140's will be moved to 485 since there are no 140's coming through!
if u carefully read last AILA conference notes
they have forcasted that I-140 will be delayed in future..
so i guess they will change their priorities
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Lack of labor approvals, reduces the back log for 140, hence increase the approval speed for the people who were lucky enough to get through labor or skip it.

Hopefully at some point the officers responsible for approving 140's will be moved to 485 since there are no 140's coming through!

Keep hoping dude, this is racist country. Until 1920s or something
they had whites only immigration policy just like Australia. Also
did not allow chinese to become american citizens until in 40s or
1950s. Yes the very same united states of america that is
a paragon of free market and democratic civil rights today.

So keep hoping ...there is nothing wrong in hope. At least
blessed are illegal immigrants that even legal immigrants
like us are envious of their INS paper work free life style,
while we continue to hope.

hey " just checking " - since its such a racist country - do you think if I phone BCIS and remind them that I am white I will get my green card any quicker ???????????????? Get a life - this is not about racism - its just sweet simple incompetence!
I have no idea - I'm not from the UK - I'm from South Africa - and last time I checked - everyone was trying to out - not in !!!
Hey I've been to S. Africa .. I used to work for NBS bank .. (heard of it?). S. Africa is hella racist.
Linda you may be right its incompetence but just checking has a point too It's not too many of you around ,90% would be asians .
If it were not the case the European lobby would have ensured fast movement.

They way this immigration is structured it gives more chances to illegals .. after all its a vote bank. You and me are pawns thats all race or color don't matter
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actually I'm from Zimbabwe originally - and yes - I found SA helluva racist too when I first got there - but it changed quite a bit in the later years . NBS bank ? I think they've gone belly up if I remember rightly - not so long ago.
I never had a chance to go to Zim, and dunno about NBS bank currently, when I was around, they were doin' fine (I hope). I was right in front of the cricket stadium BTW, could see the matches from my apartment balcony.

Cape town was awesome ;) any guesses why?