Crucial two weeks!


Registered Users (C)
Well… this is just another useless post from me. I just wanted to say hello to everyone.

In two weeks people will be stuffing the turkey and hanging candy on the tree. Which means that you should be really lucky to get an approval after that until next year.

I guess that implies that the next two weeks are what could be the only productive weeks left in this year. Hopefully we will see some more liberated burger flippers and taxi drivers!

Y'all take care
I had a sense of deja vu when I read this post. As scary as it sounds, I am not entirely certain that they will get away with not working from now until the new year -- unless, of course, a bulk of them are going on vacation around this time.

Originally posted by patienceGC
Well… this is just another useless post from me. I just wanted to say hello to everyone.

In two weeks people will be stuffing the turkey and hanging candy on the tree. Which means that you should be really lucky to get an approval after that until next year.

I guess that implies that the next two weeks are what could be the only productive weeks left in this year. Hopefully we will see some more liberated burger flippers and taxi drivers!

Y'all take care
i had posted a long time ago

that for every forthcoming occasion/vacation , i always wish I had the approval.
I had expected mine to come before Diwali...
Now I expect at least b4 Thanksgiving
and next wish will be b4 christmas..
and I am sure I will also extend my wish to Pongal, President's day, spring and so forth..
And the journey never seems to end...:(
It's always good to hear from you patienceGC and the rest of you guys.

Well… this is just another useless post from me. I just wanted to say hello to everyone.
It seems that long gc waiters are helpless, hopeless. In a time most people are happy eating, unlucky and unfair gc waiters are getting more and more frustrated!!!

RD 9/13/01
Take my advise

about what NOT to do while waiting for GC (waited 14 months for approal)
1. Do not worry. Eventually you will get it.
2. Do not lose focus. Things wont change drastically when you get it.
3. Do something to get the stress out of your system. If you are into firearms go to the shooting range and fire a wholly. If you are into martial arts - kick somebody's ass real bad.
4. Watch good light movies. They sometimes take a edge off worrying.
5. Be optimistic. Enjoy.

You don't have to be good in martial arts to kick some ones butt. If you can run really fast, you can kick anyone's butt and get out of the place fast. :D

Guys, I can really understand what many of you must be going thru. I was there myself till last week. As someone else said, GC will be approved for you all.

Good Luck and Take Care
Originally posted by patienceGC
I guess that implies that the next two weeks are what could be the only productive weeks left in this year. Hopefully we will see some more liberated burger flippers and taxi drivers!

Y'all take care


Hope to see many of the September RD's decision in these two weeks. Else, you are right we may very well be into next year.
You are all travelling in car where non of us is behind the wheel
So .... enjoy the chauffer driven car.. through the window..
great season .. decorations... holidays... dresses...mmmmmmmmmmm..

Do not count seconds guys..
After all it is being done one by one.
Expect completion days = expected days + 90..
and be cool..
because you CANNOT do any thing
It appears for me that some people are behaving as if they are staring at sky with an open mouth for a drop of a nectar !
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