Criminal Record and N-400


New Member
Hi All:

A question on this delicate subject.

My cousin has been in the US since Apr 1989. He was in UK prior to that.
Did a bad thing in 1984 - shoplifting! Got a record - no prison.

Came to US legally - declared the arrest on Visa application - passed.

Does he face any problems applying for US Cistizen ship now??

Seems his arrest was in the UK and not in the US. They will generally only be concerned about arrests in the US since 1989 (when he came here). I don't think there will be any problems...
Does he need to spend money and consult an immigration attorney for this??

Please advise.

The N-400 does specifically ask "Have you ever been arrested, cited or detained by any law enforcement officer". That would seem to include the aforementioned shoplifting offense in the UK.

That said, I'd actually be suprised if the outcome was negative, considering how long ago this all happened. Probably best to make sure you have supporting evidence of the case disposition (if possible), and maybe seek a professional opinion for peace of mind.

Whatever happens, don't lie to USCIS by saying 'no' to the original question.
I am Permanent Resident with DUI conviction on record. I was sentenced to 1-year court supervision. My question is when I will be eligible to fill N-400 application. Five years after conviction or five years after court supervision ended?


A single DUI in itself is not a ban to apply for naturalization. It also depends on the exact charge and maximum possible sentence for that charge. If you're playing it extra safe and want to apply once the charge falls outside the statutory , then apply 5 years after the charge was originally imposed.