Creepy info!

If you know any companys partial name, it is sufficient to look at the data. Amen

No sorry it is not Amen, I should say Omen (evil).
I do not like this. I think we should bring this to our respective employer's notice and they will definitely raise their voice to remove such info.
on the other hand...

this could be helpful to folks intending to use AC-21, who are in the dark about what their employer used for occupation code in their labor certification.

sure, we would know what the other fellers were making, but for the greater good, i'd vote to leave it there...
Yes, I see some necessities to show this kind of info to public.
I've seen similar kind of list for LCA (not for LC).

But why should the individual's names need to be on the list??? This part really violates our privacy.
Unfortunately, I found myself on the list. :mad: :mad: :mad:

When I saw some of my friends in the list, I found some are not. Dose anybody know if they just pick some info or post all there? It's good or not to be in the list?

:mad: :mad: :mad:

If you go to the web site it says that Data is currently available for applications reviewed betweeen 10/01/1996 and 9/30/2001.

I also saw that this site does not have details about the Labor approvals for some of my friends whose petition got approved betweeen 10/01/1996 and 9/30/2001.