Credit Card vs Green Card

Geetha Naidu

Registered Users (C)
Why don\'t they Give Green Card like Credit Card. Uh Imagine how it would be if we were be called every evening like offers the Credit Card gives

This is INS Calling and we have a promotion going on we would like to offer you a Green card for the next five years, as a thank you offer we would like to send you a temporary EAD card. Should you have any question please fell free to call our 1-800-800-8000 you have a pleasant evening sir

While frustration goes up all you can do is have a laugh or a smile and that is available freely. Enjoy post you comments and laugh you butts off
Worrying does not improve situation, laughing lightens the situation...
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Good one..

Lets hope this might happen one day and next generations of immigrants won\'t suffer the way we did.
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How about getting GC at port of entry? at the immigration counter the officer takes your picture just like in DMV, affix on the card and there you have it...

you are sleepy.. very sleepy... one two three....
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Yeah, that could be the "Master" of all (Credit) cards with out ever requiring any "Visa" whatsoever. But again there won\'t be any pain and frustration involved and life is not easy to begin with and INS probably does want to convey this message....
The price of freedom and flexibility is $5000, the price of shame and servitude is may be more!, but for the smiles on the faces of your family after getting the Green card is Priceless!......

Good day!
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Well it\'s always good to have humour on ur side while u wait for the never ending wait to get over. I\'ve been frequenting this board for almost two years now and I think my wait will be over very soon. I\'m now wondering if it was worth it as my thoughts are now turning towards going home to INDIA!

I wish Green cards could be sold on ebay then I could look at making some quick money! :)
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"You\'ve got mail!"
Open your e-mail, its from INS. Says, open and print attachment. Fill in the attachment with your name, address etc. and take a printout as much as you want, for whosoever you want. Put your photo and FP on it and there you go, ready-to-use!

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That\'s awesome. And think about it if they treat you like they treat olympic association officials at salt lake city couple of years back if if you agree to take green card. But if it comes to that then you will be in the queue at Indian consulate at Washington DC. Good humour.
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Imagine Guys with caller-id.......Will run to the phone instead of giving the phone to 2 years old !! I do this when any telemarketers call and imagine the two of them talking non stop

Life should be filled with fun as long it does not hurt but may be "May be" help you to laugh out the presure
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What would happen if your credit history goes bad! Then, would you lose Green card status. Thats the other side to the benefit!
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Nothing to worry.....if you have bad the secured deposit of thousand bucks and there u go....

Let me tell u guys a practical joke about how knowledgeable people were with GC...the so called Green Card. Fifteen years back there was an employment opperturity and the guy from India attended for the interview. The interviewer asked you have Green Card? The guy said....I don\'t have Green Card, but I have Blue Card(he means Passport)...the interviewer saw his passport and said....this is can join.....

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Did you know that American Express (AMEX) ran a commercial some years back at International Airports - Arrival Terminals in major US Cities, it went something like this.

There was a picture of an AMEX Credit Card which is Green in color and a statement below that said:
"Get yourself this Green Card and you will never need a VISA"