Credential Evaluation for Physical Therapists


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I am in US with H1 and my wife is in H4. She is a physiotherapist in India. She is planning to practice in US.

I just browsed the icdel website. They are requesting to get one application form filled by Registrar of the University and one more application form filled in by licensing authority in India.

Is there any alternate documents which we submit for these? Is there any way we can get away with sendig the documents to India? It will time-consuming and difficult for me follow with the Registrar and the Licensing authority in India.

Any info in this regards in greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
No, I think it is mendatory to verify your education because they will approve your exam application. They won't even let you apply for NPTE if your education is not satisfactory.

Thank you very much. I have one more question.

So, the evaluation needs to be done before NPTE???

Yes. You need to finish all the credentialing before they will send you a notice to make an appointment to sit for the exam.
You and your wife may want to check the Shusterman site re: EB-3 (that's the visa most likely to affect PTs and nurses). As of Jan. 1, 2005, the category will apparently become backlogged for 2-3 years.
EB3 for PTs

Yeah. I came to know the news. :( I going ahead with the first step of getting the evaluation done. I am thinking to some employer to file for H1 after the Evaluation, TOEFL and NPTE. Thats only way I could think of now.

You will have to contact your college registrar for his signature on the application form for ICD. We did the same thing. I sent my documents to my family in India and they followed up with the college registrar. We did not send application form to the licensing authority in India. We just sent a certified copy of the license from an attorney to ICD and they accepted it.


My cousin did her Physiotherapy course in india. it is 4 1/2 years course. she is interested in coming here and do her masters. can any one tell me what needs to be done and what exams she need to write to come here. what kind of job prospects r there if she wants to look for a job
