Crazy Monkey is still here


Registered Users (C)

Crazy monkey is still here and watching his pot to boil. Guess what, my pot is bubbling and is about to boil, but they shut the fire off suddently. Damn, I should not have watched it. I can't just leave it alone. :eek:

Here is my timeline. PD May 2001, EB3, retro country, ND Dec 2002. My case was transferred to local office in May 2005 for unknown reason. Had my interview in Sept 2005. Because there was no visa number, my I-485 is not approved. But the officier said everything is in place and when the new visa number come out for the new year, I should get my card.

October came and stuck like everyone else because of the retro dates :mad: . Well, I guess I will be here for a while. Going for my 4th EAD.

Is there anyone with an older date that can make me feel better. If not, hope my status will make you feel better. Count your blessings and be happy.

Crazy Monkey
Mr. Crazy Monkey,

We are almost in the same boat. I started my process a year after you. I was stuck in the LC stage (RIR in WA) for 3 years. At the end, we all have to get stuck somewhere! Except for a few lucky people. This ofcourse doesn't include you or me :D
Crazy Monkey,

I have the same PD as you (may 2001). You are better off than me, since your I-485 is confirmed.
See my details below.
Me too.

I am in the same boat since I am in WA state as well.

See my signature for details:


Category - EB2
PD - Nov 1, 2001, Original Labor
I-140 & I-485 - Concurrent, RD: Feb 4, 2004, ND: Feb 7, 2004
FP - May 28, 2004
1st EAD/AP: Mar 12, 2004/Mar 12, 2004
2nd EAD/AP: Feb 11, 2005/Feb 23, 2005
I-140 AD - Mar 22, 2005
2nd FP (Biometrics) - June 9, 2005
LUD change on June 3, 2004 and June 10, 2005
I-485 AD - ????????????
Here are my details
PD 12/2001
I-140/I-485 RD 03/2003
I-140 AD 07/2003
I-485 AD ????????????????

I am aware of so many people that applied along with me in the same category and got approved!!! Looks like we got beaten up in between.....
Can anyone tell me when did the PD get retrogressed to 1998?? I quit checking the site in between and when I came back I realized how hopeless my case is now..........
hambir is also waiting

EB 3
RD Dec 2002
Primary approved Oct 2004, dependent, that is me, had BC query and then retrogression and the rest is painful
Hopefully the new move to exclude dependents from annual quota will provide relief
My pot of water has finally boiled

Well, I have said a watched pot never boil. I guess if you watch it long enough, it will eventually boil. My term has finally came.

It has been a long journey (~ 6 years) and there is no celebration at the end. My case is a very straight forward case. Original labor cert., same employer, nothing out of the ordinary. And yet it took INS 6 years to approve the case. Luckily for us, there is nothing holding us back from our daily lives. We valued what we had and never let that piece of paper bother us too much.

Well, since I have been approved, I will be moving on with my life. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting and going through the process. Thank you for all of the support. This forum give me the feeling that I am not alone in this process.

As always count your blessings and forget your misfortunes. Think of all of the people that are less fortunate and you will be much happier.
I am back.

I knew it was too smooth. There must be a catch. Well, my wife found the catch. On my greencard, my sex is stated to be "F". I can either have a sex changing operation or go see my "friends" at the finger print center again. I think I prefer the later. It will give me a chance to say goodbye to them. And thank them for all of the services they have done for me in the last three years. ;)

You are hilarious and bring laughter to me, i hope to all.

Thank for being there and we sing the chorus together in this struggle.
