CPT Ordeal


Registered Users (C)
Since CPT is issued at school level, I have some questions regarding pursuing CPT.

If the local school DSO authorizes employment for a reasonably connected field of study and nature of employment, would I be running into issues later on while changing status from F1-H1?

Please advise. Thanks
absolutely not. You won't have any problem even while applying for OPT or H1......given the fact that you have maintained F1 status while in school.

Ofcourse, make sure you're CPT doesn't cross 12 months. My understanding, is that you need to be registered for an internship course in order to obtain a CPT. You can confirm this with a lawyer or some other international friends of yours. Also, the duration of your CPT is for the semester for which you are registered in this course.

I was registered in the summer for an intership course and hence got a CPT for 3 months. I had to start after the spring semester (which ended in May...17th) and had to end before the start of the fall semester (which started 24th of Aug)

Hope that helps

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F1 Sponsor

Thank you for the reply. One other question I have is:

I am on a very soon expiring OPT and missed the deadline to apply for a H1B this year. I am enrolling back in school to maintain my F1 status until I can re-apply for the fresh qouta.Is it bad to put down the company I am currently working with as a partial source of my funding towards the new program. I would like to know if this will bear any adverse affect down the road say while H1->GC etc.

Please advise. The countdown has started and I am running out of time!!!!
Ooppss haven't checked this site in a while. Well, if the company is willing to give you a scholarship, then definately you can put them in as a funding source.

Note, though that you are allowed only 1 OPT per education level, i.e. BS, MS, Phd. If you get an OPT for one Master's degree and then switch to F1 for another Master's degree, you won't get an OPT after you've completed the 2nd Master's degree.....i.e. if your previous OPT was for 12 months.

A friend of mine was denied for the above reason.

However, if your previous OPT was for a period less than 12 months, then you are eligible for another OPT after a 2nd Master's for the remainder of the time period.

Again, it depends on which center your application goes to. TX may most probably deny it, while the rest will approve.... That's what I've heard