CP successful at Mumbai on 21st March


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I would like to thank this forum for helping me prepare for the CP interview. The interview as such was really a piece of cake. I would strongly recommend everyone to take extra copies of all the required papers as. Also i had taken the immigration style photos from My Own Studio near the consulate and i think that was a good decision as a lot of applicants who had not taken it from there had to re take the photos inside. The charge a ridiculous amount in there for photos and xeroxing.
Also I did my medical examination at Lilavati and I would recommend it if you have not scheduled one. Professional and courteous staff. I guess it comes as a part and parcel of running a private hospital.
One more thing when it comes to collection of passports and IV papers. They asked us to come at 3:00 but did not open the counter until 4:30. Bombay has been under a torrid spell for the past one week and the mercury has been hitting 40\'s at times. I have never seen this in all the time i lived here and standing outside the consulate even for 15 minutes in such conditions would be health detriment. And this is not one isolated incident.In the past week they never opened the counter on time.
The consular interview was a short 1 minute exercise.
Also in the DS230 they asked everyone to change the address in section 13 to the one in India.
I think EB based IV\'s were not rejected for any of us.
Police certificate requirement in CP after Sept11

I heard that one needs to produce two police certificates for CP in india. It is true?
Please tell how to get those? Can a person get those certificates in advance..I mean while he is in US?

please reply ASAP.

can give some more details about ur medicals at lilavati...

info like what time u reached what was the procedure and how long was the wait between steps in the whole process. Will help me a lot..
thanks in advance...
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No there was no specific document asked for.All the docs listed in the P4 were asked for.
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No. I produced the one which i got from the Indian consulate in San Francisco. Also they did not even ask for the originals. I gave them a copy.
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1) Whom do yo work for?
2) How long have you been working for the current company?
3) Where did you get your training? (Since i went to school here i gave the name of my school).
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Appointment was at 8:00a.m 18th morning.
Reconfirmed the appointment on 15th.
Reached at 7:45 a.m on 18th and filled up a form on arrival.
Then we were asked to wait until called.
Rocky (the guy who was in charge of the visa medicals) called us in 10 minutes and verified all the information in the form. Take 3 passport photographs (though they took only 2), original appointment letter and original passport.
We were given one more form at this point where you need to fill up all medical history questions.This is just for informational purposes but its a Department of State form.
At 8:15 blood samples were collected.
At 8:45 we were taken to the Xray examination. They call you one by one though for the Xray.
We are asked to return at 10:00 for the physical examination.
At 10:30 were called in for physicals.
At 11:00 were asked to pay the fees. Also at this point were asked to take tetanus and MMR vaccines. Since i had already been vaccinated for chicken pox as a child did not have to take that.
At 11:45 took the vaccines and were asked to return at 4:00 to collect the reports.
At 4:00 collected the reports.
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I am not sure. I took drafts for 260*49 and 65*49. Its not $60. I did see something to the effect of accepting $$ but to be on the safer side take DD\'s. Two separate ones.