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CP interviews in Frankfurt


Registered Users (C)
Hello mates,
is there anybody in here who had an interview in Frankfurt for the DV 2005?
Please we could share our experiences.
Hi Verarose:
I am DV 2006 winner and have chosen Frankfurt for CP but already living in US.

Any information that you had with Frankfurt consulate would greatly help me.

Where does the consulate Frankfurt send for medical check and what do they check for? Frankfurt University hospital? And how long does it take to get an appointment for the medical check.

How much time was between getting the letter for the interview and the actual interview date? I am concerned as I have to fly from US to Frankfurt after getting the letter and hope they give me at least a week between the letter and the interview.

I am so shocked they take so long to give the visa - I had hoped these are the same processing times as for an H1B or F1 which usually takes only a couple of days. I hope everything works out for you, are you currently in Frankfurt or in US?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback!!
Hello EUDV,
i would share my experience with you ofcourse.It took me between a month and three weeks to go for an interview after i recceived the second letter from KCC scheduling my interview date. After the interview, candidates are sent to the medical examination which is less than a hundred metres away.
Basically, you would have enough time to do your police report and other vacinnes before the interview date. But you are adviced not to go to the doctors before your interview. So far thats all i can help. Should you have other doubts, donot hesitate to ask.
i am in Berlin
Hello Friends,
i guess i should continue to ask you for advice. Its eight months today since i was told by the US consulate that my GC will be sent to me by post. I have called several times and the answer,"We are still processing". However, i colleague who applied five months after has had his GC already. Now my question, what do i do? Call again or just wait. After eight months of waiting for which my passport was with-held, honestly am nervous,
Please LucyMo and other friends say something,i groan in pain.